DRNDirection du Réseau National (French: Direction of the National Network)
DRNDéveloppement de Ressources Numériques (French: Development of Digital Resources)
DRNData Release Number (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
DRNDorsal Raphe Nucleus
DRNDe Rerum Natura (Latin: On the Nature of Things)
DRNDisaster Response Network
DRNDisability Rights Network of Pennsylvania
DRNDiabetes Research Network
DRNDan Reed Network (band)
DRNDharan (Nepal)
DRNDark Room Notes (band)
DRNDatabase Record Number
DRNDefence Restricted Network (Australia)
DRNDeus Recipe Nos (Latin: God Accept Us; epigraphy)
DRNDocument Reference Number
DRNDumpy's Rusty Nuts (band)
DRNDual Recovery Network (various locations)
DRNDragonfly Recording Network
DRNDescartes Rando Nature (French: Descartes Nature Hike)
DRNDesign Research North (consultancy; UK)
DRNDickey Rural Network (telecommunications company; North Dakota)
DRNData Representation Notation
DRNDocument Release Notice
DRNDetailed River Network (EPA)
DRNDrone Radio Navigation Equipment
DRNDedicated Router Network
DRNDistributed Routing Network
DRNDeaf Rochester News (New York)
DRNDaily Reports Notice
DRNDrug Risk Number