Acronym | Definition |
GMSA | General Motors South Africa |
GMSA | Gel Mobility Shift Assay |
GMSA | Global Maritime Situational Awareness |
GMSA | Georgia Middle School Association |
GMSA | Global Marine Species Assessment |
GMSA | Greater Manchester Strategic Alliance (UK) |
GMSA | Green Mountain Self-Advocates |
GMSA | Gospel Mission of South America |
GMSA | Greater Memphis Soccer Association (Tennessee) |
GMSA | Greater Minnesota Speedskating Association |
GMSA | Ghana Muslim Students Association (Asawasi-Kumasi, Ghana) |
GMSA | Graduate Management Student Association |
GMSA | Groupe Minoteries SA (Switzerland) |
GMSA | Green Mountain Studio Animals (Faux Pas series) |
GMSA | Globally Minded Student Association |
GMSA | generalized mean-spherical-approximation |
GMSA | Global Management Student Association |
GMSA | Government Maglev System Assessment |
GMSA | German Market Startup Agency |
GMSA | Good Morning San Antonio (KSAT morning TV program) |
GMSA | Generational Ministries South Africa |
GMSA | Greater Metropolitan Statistical Area |
GMSA | Global Multivariate Statistical Analysis |
GMSA | Government Mensuration Software Application |
GMSA | General Motors Student Assistance |
GMSA | Guaranteed Minimum Sum Assured |
GMSA | General Maintenance Skills Assessment |
GMSA | Gilbert Main Street Association |
GMSA | Greater Manassas Service Area |
GMSA | Gender and Media in Southern Africa (Johannesburg, South Africa) |
GMSA | Girls Missionary Society Association |
GMSA | Graduate Music Student Association |
GMSA | Georgia Main Street Association |
GMSA | Greater Milwaukee Surgical Associates |
GMSA | Georgia Mountain Soccer Association |
GMSA | Global Movement Security Application |
GMSA | Graduate Muslim Students Association |
GMSA | Seaman Apprentice, Gunner's Mate Striker (US Navy rating) |
GMSA | Gulf of Mexico Statistical Area |