Acronym | Definition |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time |
GMT | Giant Magellan Telescope |
GMT | Generic Mapping Tools (software) |
GMT | Global Mean Temperature |
GMT | Global Mixed-Mode Technology (est. 1996; Taiwan) |
GMT | Generic Mapping Tools |
GMT | General Motors Trucks |
GMT | Gigabyte Management Tools |
GMT | Geometric Mean Titer (vaccination) |
GMT | Greenwich Meridian Time |
GMT | Geometric Mean Titers |
GMT | Guy, McCoy, Torme (band) |
GMT | General Military Training |
GMT | Glass Mat Thermoplastic |
GMT | Governor Macquarie Tower (Sydney, Australia) |
GMT | Gunner's Mate (Technician, USN Rating) |
GMT | Global Management Technologies |
GMT | Good Management Practice |
GMT | Ground Moving Target |
GMT | Get Me Tickets |
GMT | Gear Media Tech (Pixel Corps) |
GMT | General Motors Tandem (diesel) |
GMT | Ground Multiband Terminal |
GMT | Groupe Multidisciplinaire Sur l'action Internationale Contre Le Terrorisme (French: Multidisciplinary Group on International Action against Terrorism, EC) |
GMT | Global Media Transfer (Harris Automation) |
GMT | Gannett, McClatchy and Tribune (ad network) |
GMT | George Massey Tunnel (British Columbia, Canada) |
GMT | Glasgow Museum of Transport (Scotland) |
GMT | Green Metric Ton |
GMT | Generalized Multi-Pole Technique |
GMT | Guided Missile Transport |
GMT | General Map Table |
GMT | Glen Moore Transportation, Inc. |
GMT | GACT Multiterminal |
GMT | Guided Missile Target |