Acronym | Definition |
APN | AWS (Amazon Web Services) Partner Network |
APN | Access Point Name |
APN | Appareil Photo Numérique (France) |
APN | Assemblee Populaire Nationale (French: National Popular Assembly; various locations) |
APN | Advanced Practice Nurse |
APN | Assessor's Parcel Number (real estate & surveying) |
APN | Americans for Peace Now |
APN | Asia-Pacific Network |
APN | American Preppers Network (survival) |
APN | Assemblée des Premières Nations (Assembly of First Nations; Canada) |
APN | Athens Photo News (Greece) |
APN | Autorité Portuaire Nationale (French: National Port Authority; Haiti) |
APN | Access Port Name |
APN | Administración de Parques Nacionales (National Parks Administration, Argentina) |
APN | Asamblea Popular Nacional (China) |
APN | Adaptive Private Networking |
APN | Arab Press Network (France) |
APN | Amis du Patrimoine Napoléonien (French: Friends of Napoleonic Heritage) |
APN | Acute Pyelonephritis |
APN | Associate Professor of Nursing |
APN | Acquired Pendular Nystagmus (eyes) |
APN | All-Pass Network (microwave theory) |
APN | Aktien plus Neuemission (German: Shares plus New Issue) |
APN | Academic Position Network (online job recruitment) |
APN | Aircraft Procurement, Navy |
APN | Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner |
APN | Almost Perfect Nonlinear |
APN | Archives of Psychiatric Nursing |
APN | Alliance for Psychosocial Nursing |
APN | African Parks Network (est. 2000) |
APN | Access Purchasing Network |
APN | Alpena, MI, USA - Alpena Regional Airport (Airport Code) |
APN | Agent Premium Newsgroups |
APN | Augmented Proportional Navigation |
APN | Administration du Pipe-Line du Nord (Northern Pipeline Agency - Canada) |
APN | Army Part Number |
APN | Asanble Popilè Nasyonal (National Popular Assembly, Haiti) |
APN | Aviation Procurement Navy |
APN | Association pour la Protection de la Nature |
APN | Advance Purchasing Notice |
APN | Action Point Number |
APN | Amicale des Pêcheurs Niçois (French professional fishermen group) |
APN | Australian Part Number (barcoded number) |
APN | Asia-Pacific Network for Research in Global Change |
APN | Agentstwo Petschati Nowosti (Russian news agency) |
APN | Associated Pharmacy Network |
APN | Asian Professional Networking |