FIGFortress Investment Group LLC (stock symbol)
FIGFood Is Good (restaurant; Charleston, SC)
FIGFédération Internationale de Gymnastique (French: International Gymnastics Federation)
FIGFundación Informática Guatemalteca (Spanish: Guatemalan Information Technology Foundation)
FIGFaith in God
FIGFarmers Insurance Group
FIGFound in Garbage
FIGFederazione Italiana Golf (Italian: Italian Golf Federation)
FIGFestival International de Géographie (French: International Geography Festival)
FIGFor Intimate Gatherings
FIGFramework Interoperability Group
FIGFondazione Istituto Gramsci (Italian: Gramsci Institute Foundation)
FIGFile Implementers Group
FIGFacility for Interactive Generation
FIGForth Interest Group
FIGFamilies in Grief
FIGFinancial Institutions Group
FIGFreshman Interest Group
FIGForth Interest Group (Forth Computer Language)
FIGFédération Internationale des Géomètres (French: International Federation of Surveyors)
FIGFacility for Interactive Generation of Figures (computing)
FIGFort Indiantown Gap (PA, USA)
FIGFederation of International Gymnastics
FIGFighter Interceptor Group
FIGFuture Inflation Gauge
FIGFormation Professionnelle Initiale des Conducteurs de Véhicules de Guidage (French driving school)
FIGFinancial Industrial Group
FIGFun Is Good
FIGFinancial Independence Group
FIGFixed Income Group
FIGFonds International de Garantie (Geneva, Switzerland)
FIGFalling Into Grace (band)
FIGFast Information Group
FIGFlex Interface Guidelines
FIGFlorida Institute for Girls
FIGFreen in Green (band)
FIGFlorida Institute of Government
FIGFiber Interferometer Gyroscope
FIGFederal Internet Guide
FIGFlorida Interchange Group
FIGFilm Integrated Game (video games)
FIGField Implementation Guide