Acronym | Definition |
FACTS | Families to Amend California's Three Strikes |
FACTS | Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems |
FACTS | Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety |
FACTS | Federation of Australian Commercial Television Stations |
FACTS | Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System |
FACTS | Forest Atmosphere Carbon Transfer and Storage |
FACTS | Federal Agencies Centralized Trial-Balance System |
FACTS | Field Accomplishments and Compliance Tracking System (database; US FDA) |
FACTS | Florida Association of Coordinated Transportation Systems (transportation disadvantaged) |
FACTS | Family Assistance and Care through Technology Services (Indiana) |
FACTS | Food Anaphylactic Children Training and Support |
FACTS | Framework for Appropriate Care throughout Sheffield (UK) |
FACTS | Florida's Academic Counseling and Tracking for Students (Florida Department of Education) |
FACTS | Foreign Access Central Tracking System |
FACTS | Financial and Air Clearance Transportation System |
FACTS | Fast Automatic Cash Transfer System (FACTS Management Co.) |
FACTS | Families Against the Casino Threat in Singapore |
FACTS | For A Clean Tonawanda Site |
FACTS | First Amendmist Church of True Science |
FACTS | Fishing Activity and Catch Tracking System (software) |
FACTS | Facility for the Analysis and Comparison of Tsunami Simulations (NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) |
FACTS | Florida Agricultural Conference & Trade Show |
FACTS | First Atheist Church of True Science |
FACTS | Failure and Accidents Technical Information System (industrial accidents database) |
FACTS | Fetal Alcohol Consultation & Training Services (Alaska) |
FACTS | Florida Atlantic Coast Transport Study |
FACTS | Fleet Automated Control Tracking System |
FACTS | FLIR Augmented COBRA TOW Sight |
FACTS | Facilities Assets Catalog and Tracking System |
FACTS | Future Administrators Cultural Training Seminar (New York University) |
FACTS | FMEA/CIL Tracking System |
FACTS | Fasteners, Actuators, Connectors, Tools, Subsystems |
FACTS | Fair and Consistent Treatment System (Sprint) |
FACTS | Funds and Cost Tracking System |
FACTS | Fill and Cash Tracking System |
FACTS | Financial Accounting & Cost Tracking System |
FACTS | FACSFAC Air Control and Tracking System |
FACTS | Foreign Asset Control Tracking System |
FACTS | Front Access Cross-Connect Termination System (Telect) |
FACTS | Fernald Analytical Computerized Tracking System |
FACTS | Financial, Accounting and Claims Targeted Solutions |