FGMField Goals Made (basketball statistic)
FGMFemale Genital Mutilation
FGMFrame Grabber Module
FGMFaculté de Gestion et de Management (French: Faculty of Business and Management; Lebanon)
FGMFondation du Grand Montréal (French: Greater Montreal Foundation; Canada)
FGMFondazione Guglielmo Marconi (Italian: Guglielmo Marconi Foundation)
FGMFluxgate Magnetometer (Cluster spacecraft)
FGMFunctionally Graded Material
FGMFunctionally Gradient Materials
FGMFocus Group Member (various organizations)
FGMFairy God Mother
FGMVector Fluxgate Magnetometer (US NASA)
FGMFoundation for Genetic Medicine
FGMFaculty Grants Management (University of Washington)
FGMFeels Good Man
FGMForce Generation Model
FGMFixed Gain Mode (satellite communications)
FGMForeign Government Representative
FGMFiscal Guidance Memorandum
FGMFission Gas Monitor
FGMFlight Guidance Module (aviation)