FBLFarm Bureau Life (Iowa)
FBLFrame Burst Error Length
FBLFeedback Loop (computing)
FBLFondation Biermans-Lapôtre (residence; Belgium, Luxembourg and France)
FBLFlybar Less (software; New Zealand)
FBLFull Bell Lines (coin grading)
FBLFIATA Bill of Lading
FBLFly by Light
FBLFunctional Baseline
FBLFoundation for a Better Life
FBLFrontignan Berre Location (French rental company)
FBLFederated Battle Lab
FBLFood and Brand Lab (University of Illinois, now at Cornell University)
FBLFederal Barge Lines, Inc.
FBLFuture Battle Laboratory
FBLFeature-Biased Lithography
FBLForwarding Bill of Lading