FBMFractional Brownian Motion
FBMFaculté de Biologie et de Médecine (French: Faculty of Biology and Medicine; Switzerland)
FBMFood and Beverage Manager
FBMFelbamate (drug)
FBMFacebook Messenger
FBMFleet Ballistic Missile
FBMFace Book Marketing
FBMLubumbashi, Zaire (airport code)
FBMFlexible Battery Management
FBMFeature-Based Machining
FBMFEXT (Far End Cross-Talk) Bit Map Mode
FBMFoot Board Measure (lumber)
FBMFieldbus Module
FBMForward-Backward Method
FBMFundamental Benchmark (UK)
FBMFetal Breathing Movement
FBMFiber Bundle Model (physics)
FBMFull Body Massage
FBMFeature-Based Modeling
FBMFunctional Brain Mapping
FBMFonderies de Brousseval et Montreuil (French iron foundry)
FBMFailure-Based Maintenance
FBMFr.bio.medecine (French medical Usenet group)
FBMFine By Me
FBMFairfax Business Media (publishing; various locations)
FBMFat Bald Men
FBMFord Bold Moves (racing game)
FBMFrankfurt Biosphere Model
FBMFlorida Board of Medicine
FBMFlexible Buffer Management
FBMFree Bible Ministry (Fulton, MD)
FBMFail Bit Map
FBMFixed By Magic
FBMFighter Battle Management
FBMFirst Benefit Month
FBMFlow-Based Manufacturing