Acronym | Definition |
EFH | Einfamilienhaus |
EFH | Essential Fish Habitat |
EFH | Evangelische Fachhochschule (German: Protestant University of Applied Sciences) |
EFH | École Française d'Hypnose (French: French School of Hypnosis) |
EFH | Energy Future Holdings (Dallas, TX) |
EFH | Evangelische Fachhochschule Hannover (German: Protestant University of Applied Sciences and Arts) |
EFH | École Française de l'Heuristique (French: French Heuristic School) |
EFH | Enterprise for Health (Germany) |
EFH | Exposure Factors Handbook (US Environmental Protection Agency) |
EFH | Essentials for Health |
EFH | Engine Flight Hours |
EFH | Equivalent Flight Hours (military aviation training) |