Acronym | Definition |
DRO | Digital Readout |
DRO | Dispute Resolution Organization (various locations) |
DRO | Dynamic Range Optimizer (photography) |
DRO | Disaster Response Operation (various locations) |
DRO | Detention and Removal Operations (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement) |
DRO | Data Replication Option |
DRO | Document Release Order |
DRO | Digital Read Out |
DRO | Dynamic Range Optimizer |
DRO | Drag Racing Online (magazine) |
DRO | Differential Ring Oscillator (semiconductor technology) |
DRO | Distant Retrograde Orbit (astronomy) |
DRO | Disability Rights Office (US FCC) |
DRO | Domestic Relations Order |
DRO | Dielectric Resonator Oscillator |
DRO | Department of Radiation Oncology |
DRO | Dispute Resolution Officer |
DRO | Deputy Returning Officer (Canadian elections) |
DRO | Decision, Risk and Operations (Columbia) |
DRO | Destructive Read Out |
DRO | Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors |
DRO | Data Request Output |
DRO | Direct Readout |
DRO | Durango, CO, USA - Durango La Plata County Airport (Airport Code) |
DRO | Discos Radioactivos Organizados (Spanish record label) |
DRO | Days Revenue Outstanding (medical claims) |
DRO | Dining Room Orderly |
DRO | Data Readout |
DRO | Disposal Release Order |
DRO | Departmental Record Officer (UK government) |
DRO | Dielectric Resonating Oscillator |
DRO | Dynamic Reconfiguration Option |
DRO | Design Requirements Overview |
DRO | Department Repair Order |
DRO | Detention & Removal Office (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement) |
DRO | Deputy Rescue Officer |
DRO | Duty Regional Officer |
DRO | Drawing Requirement Outline |
DRO | Delay Reduction Order (an Order entered early in litigation by Colorado state courts outlining deadlines) |
DRO | Daily Report Of Obligations |
DRO | Diesel Range Organic(s) compound(s) |
DRO | Disaster Relief Office |