ERNExtended-Release Niacin
ERNEritrean Nakfa (ISO currency code)
ERNÉcole Royale Navale (French: Royal Naval School; Morocco)
ERNEuropean Rivers Network
ERNEntreprise Régionale de Nettoyage (French: Regional Cleaning Company)
ERNError-Related Negativity (EEG recording)
ERNEmergency Response Network
ERNEmployers' Reference Number (various locations)
ERNElectronic Remittance Notice (US Medicare)
ERNEncyclopedia of Religion and Nature (Continuum International)
ERNÉdition Régionale Nord (French: North Regional Edition)
ERNExcise Reference Number (Ireland)
ERNEnvironmental Regulatory Number
ERNEducation Recruitment Network (UK)
ERNEngineering Release Notice
ERNExternal Recurrent Neural Network
ERNEstação Radionaval (Portugal)
ERNEquipment Revenue Note (New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority)
ERNErasure Relay Network (network with binary erasure channels)