FAFirst Aid
FAFor Auction
FAFootball Association (England)
FAFootball Association (UK)
FAForeign Agent (network node)
FAFree Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team)
FAFine Arts
FAFinancial Aid
FAFirma (German: company)
FAFire Alarm
FAFailure Analysis
FAFeatured Article (Wikimedia Foundation)
FAFinancial Advisor
FAFatty Acid
FAField Artillery
FAFamily Assistance
FAFactory Automation
FAFalkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
FAFirearms (half-life modification)
FAFallen Angel
FAFlight Attendant
FAFixed Assets
FAFunctional Area
FAFinance and Accounting
FAForever Alone
FAFinal Approach
FAFully Automatic
FAFirst Avenue (Arcadia, CA middle school)
FAFrente Amplio (Spanish: Broad Front; Uruguayan political party)
FAFramework Agreement (various organizations)
FAFalse Alarm
FAfractional anisotropy
FAFat Albert (fictional character)
FAFirst Article
FAFirst Ascent (climbing)
FAFinanzamt (German: revenue office)
FAArea Forecast (aviation)
FAFly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete)
FAFunctional Analysis
FAFull Armor (anime)
FAFactor Analysis
FAFinal Approval
FAFood Allergy
FAForced Air
FACertified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
FAFlash Animation
FAFamily Auto (car dealers)
FAFarm Aid
FAFiona Apple (singer)
FAFeasibility Assessment (US DoD)
FAFormic Acid
FAFocus Area
FAFanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia)
FAFinal Assembly
FAFunctional Assessment
FAFlorida Airsoft (gaming website)
FAFacility Agreement
FAFlame Arrestor (various companies)
FAFriends Always
FAFunction Analysis (product engineering / development tool)
FAFluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing)
FAFreight Allowed (shipping)
FAField Activities
FAFluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing)
FAFat Activism
FAFourier Analysis
FAFederal Agent
FAFarmers' Almanac
FAFinally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval)
FAFame Academy (UK BBC series)
FAFund Accounting
FAFunds Allocated (USACE)
FAFiscal Agent (Medicaid)
FAFull Adder
FAFulvic Acid
FAForward Area
FAFinal Acceptance
FAFanny Adams
FAFat Admirer
FAFood Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (Woburn, MA)
FAFinancial Assurance
FAFeasibility Analysis
FAFrankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp)
FAFamily Allowance
FAFlash Arrestor (tool; aka Flashback Arrestor)
FAFlip Anim
FAFaith Alive
FAFiber Adapter
FAFibrilacion Auricular (Spanish: Atrial Fibrillation)
FAFinancial Agent
FAFelonious Assault (law enforcement)
FAFur Affinity (web site)
FAFederal Association
FAField Assistance
FAForte Agent
FAFredericksburg Academy
FAFramework Approach
FAFinal Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production)
FAFuel Assembly
FAFunctional Acknowledgment
FAFailure Alarm
FAFrontal Aviation
FAFaculty Assistant
FAFairchild Aircraft
FAFull Arc
FAFamilial Amyloidosis (abnormal protein deposit)
FAFlight-Critical Aft (US NASA)
FAForeign Assistance Act of 1961
FAFlight Aft
FAFireman Apprentice
FAFeudal Age
FAFrench Angora (rabbit)
FAFulbright Association
FAFreakin' A! (polite form)
FAFocus Alert
FAFlanking Attack
FAFuse Alarm
FAFijian Association (political party)
FAFunctional Allocation
FAForecast Analyst
FAFinal Alert (mapmaking program)
FAFunctional Administrator
FAFormal Advertising
FAFinance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
FAFlexible Alerting
FAFibonacci Association
FAFactories Act 1961 (UK)
FAFiery Avenger (Everquest game)
FAFrankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
FAFighter Allocator
FAForced Answer
FAField Authorization
FAFluorescein Angiogramic Angiography
FAFenton's Approximation (Algorithm)
FAFriederich's Ataxia
FAFocus Amplifier
FAForce Analyzer
FAFrog Applause (comic strip)
FAForeign Military Affairs
FAFirst Aid/Medical Aid Station
FAFury Assembly
FAFiliae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy)
FAFrequency Agile/Agility
FAFiche d'Anomalie (French: Error Report)
FAFederale Alliantie (Federal Alliance)