Acronym | Definition |
FA | First Aid |
FA | For Auction |
FA | Football Association (England) |
FA | Football Association (UK) |
FA | Foreign Agent (network node) |
FA | Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team) |
FA | Fine Arts |
FA | Financial Aid |
FA | Firma (German: company) |
FA | Fire Alarm |
FA | Failure Analysis |
FA | Featured Article (Wikimedia Foundation) |
FA | Financial Advisor |
FA | Fatty Acid |
FA | Field Artillery |
FA | Family Assistance |
FA | Factory Automation |
FA | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) |
FA | Firearms (half-life modification) |
FA | Fallen Angel |
FA | Flight Attendant |
FA | Fixed Assets |
FA | Functional Area |
FA | Finance and Accounting |
FA | Forever Alone |
FA | Final Approach |
FA | Fully Automatic |
FA | First Avenue (Arcadia, CA middle school) |
FA | Frente Amplio (Spanish: Broad Front; Uruguayan political party) |
FA | Framework Agreement (various organizations) |
FA | False Alarm |
FA | fractional anisotropy |
FA | Fat Albert (fictional character) |
FA | First Article |
FA | First Ascent (climbing) |
FA | Finanzamt (German: revenue office) |
FA | FanArt |
FA | Area Forecast (aviation) |
FA | Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete) |
FA | Functional Analysis |
FA | Full Armor (anime) |
FA | Factor Analysis |
FA | Final Approval |
FA | Food Allergy |
FA | Forced Air |
FA | Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
FA | Flash Animation |
FA | Family Auto (car dealers) |
FA | Farm Aid |
FA | Fiona Apple (singer) |
FA | Feasibility Assessment (US DoD) |
FA | Formic Acid |
FA | Focus Area |
FA | Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia) |
FA | Final Assembly |
FA | Functional Assessment |
FA | Florida Airsoft (gaming website) |
FA | Facility Agreement |
FA | Flame Arrestor (various companies) |
FA | Friends Always |
FA | Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool) |
FA | Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing) |
FA | Freight Allowed (shipping) |
FA | Field Activities |
FA | Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing) |
FA | Fat Activism |
FA | Fourier Analysis |
FA | Federal Agent |
FA | Farmers' Almanac |
FA | Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval) |
FA | Fame Academy (UK BBC series) |
FA | Fund Accounting |
FA | Funds Allocated (USACE) |
FA | Fiscal Agent (Medicaid) |
FA | Full Adder |
FA | Fulvic Acid |
FA | Forward Area |
FA | Final Acceptance |
FA | Fanny Adams |
FA | Fat Admirer |
FA | Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (Woburn, MA) |
FA | Financial Assurance |
FA | Feasibility Analysis |
FA | Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp) |
FA | Family Allowance |
FA | Flash Arrestor (tool; aka Flashback Arrestor) |
FA | Flip Anim |
FA | Faith Alive |
FA | Fiber Adapter |
FA | Fibrilacion Auricular (Spanish: Atrial Fibrillation) |
FA | Financial Agent |
FA | Felonious Assault (law enforcement) |
FA | Fur Affinity (web site) |
FA | Federal Association |
FA | Field Assistance |
FA | Forte Agent |
FA | Fredericksburg Academy |
FA | Framework Approach |
FA | Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production) |
FA | Fuel Assembly |
FA | Functional Acknowledgment |
FA | Failure Alarm |
FA | Frontal Aviation |
FA | Faculty Assistant |
FA | Fairchild Aircraft |
FA | Full Arc |
FA | Familial Amyloidosis (abnormal protein deposit) |
FA | Flight-Critical Aft (US NASA) |
FA | Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 |
FA | Flight Aft |
FA | Fireman Apprentice |
FA | Feudal Age |
FA | French Angora (rabbit) |
FA | Fulbright Association |
FA | Freakin' A! (polite form) |
FA | Focus Alert |
FA | |
FA | Flanking Attack |
FA | Fuse Alarm |
FA | Fijian Association (political party) |
FA | Functional Allocation |
FA | Forecast Analyst |
FA | Final Alert (mapmaking program) |
FA | Functional Administrator |
FA | Formal Advertising |
FA | Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation |
FA | Flexible Alerting |
FA | Fibonacci Association |
FA | Factories Act 1961 (UK) |
FA | Fiery Avenger (Everquest game) |
FA | Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) |
FA | Fighter Allocator |
FA | Forced Answer |
FA | Field Authorization |
FA | Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography |
FA | Fenton's Approximation (Algorithm) |
FA | Friederich's Ataxia |
FA | Focus Amplifier |
FA | Force Analyzer |
FA | Frog Applause (comic strip) |
FA | Foreign Military Affairs |
FA | First Aid/Medical Aid Station |
FA | Fury Assembly |
FA | Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy) |
FA | Frequency Agile/Agility |
FA | Fiche d'Anomalie (French: Error Report) |
FA | Federale Alliantie (Federal Alliance) |