Acronym | Definition |
ESM | Engine Shop Manual |
ESM | Environmental Science and Management (various schools) |
ESM | Engineering Science and Mechanics |
ESM | European Stability Mechanism (funding; EU) |
ESM | Electronics Supply & Manufacturing |
ESM | Electronic Supplementary Material (publishing) |
ESM | Eastman School of Music |
ESM | Enterprise Security Manager |
ESM | Effective Supervisory Management (training program) |
ESM | Enterprise Security Management |
ESM | European School of Management |
ESM | Ethosuximide (drug) |
ESM | Endpoint Security Manager (software) |
ESM | Electronic Support Measures |
ESM | Eastport-South Manor (New York) |
ESM | Endpoint Security Management (software) |
ESM | École Supérieure des Métiers (French trade school) |
ESM | Environmentally Sound Management |
ESM | Enterprise Systems Management |
ESM | East Syracuse-Minoa (New York) |
ESM | Electronic Software Marketing |
ESM | Endpoint Security Management |
ESM | Embedded Syslog Manager |
ESM | External Security Manager |
ESM | Enhanced Simplex |
ESM | European Satellite Multimedia |
ESM | Europay Security Module |
ESM | Electronic Storage Media |
ESM | European Simulation Multiconference |
ESM | EPS Session Management (wireless communication protocol) |
ESM | Equivalent System Mass |
ESM | Environmental and Social Management (action plan; various organizations) |
ESM | Engineering Systems Management (various schools) |
ESM | Ecole Spéciale Militaire (French: Military Special School) |
ESM | Emergency Services Medal (Australia) |
ESM | End System Multicast (peercasting) |
ESM | EMC Support Matrix (computing) |
ESM | Ethernet Switching Module |
ESM | Electronic Warfare Support Measures |
ESM | Exchange System Management (software) |
ESM | Education Sales Management |
ESM | Entente Sportive Maritime (French sports club) |
ESM | Equine Sports Massage |
ESM | Electronic Surveillance Measures |
ESM | Enterprise Spend Management |
ESM | Erector Spinae Muscle |
ESM | Exponential Smoothing Model |
ESM | Enhanced Service Management |
ESM | Entente Saône Mamirolle (French handball club) |
ESM | Event Service Manager |
ESM | Ethernet Service Module |
ESM | Emerging Stock Markets |
ESM | Episcopal School for Ministry (St. Louis, MO) |
ESM | Energy Savings Management |
ESM | École Supérieure Montsouris (French: Montsouris Graduate School) |
ESM | Educational Studies in Mathematics |
ESM | Essential Safety Measure (Australia) |
ESM | Employee Services Management Association |
ESM | Eastern Surf Magazine |
ESM | Executive Strategy Manager (software) |
ESM | Emmanuel School of Mission (various locations) |
ESM | Espérance Sportive de Montilliers (French sports club) |
ESM | École Supérieure de la Métrologie (French: Graduate School of Metrology) |
ESM | Emergency Scene Management (first aid) |
ESM | Enhanced Session Management |
ESM | Entente Sportive Montgeronnaise (French sports club) |
ESM | External Storage Module |
ESM | Energy Savings Measure |
ESM | Engadin Ski Marathon (Switzerland) |
ESM | Energy Saving Material |
ESM | École de Sauvetage Côtier Méditerranéenne (French: Mediterranean Coastal Rescue School) |
ESM | European Society for Microcirculation |
ESM | Entente Sportive Marguerittoise (French sports club) |
ESM | Essex, Montana (Amtrak code) |
ESM | Extra Strong Mint |
ESM | Experience-Sampling Methodology |
ESM | Erie Street Market (Toledo, OH) |
ESM | Employer Sponsored Migration (various locations) |
ESM | Essential Station Messing |
ESM | Effective Staff Management (various organizations) |
ESM | Ejection Systolic Murmur |
ESM | Electronics Support Module |
ESM | Entente Sportive Moncéenne (French sports club) |
ESM | Environmental Service Module |
ESM | Electronic Specialty Material (Air Products) |
ESM | Experiment Support Module |
ESM | Enhanced Services Manager (Lucent) |
ESM | EasyShopMaker (e-commer software) |
ESM | Emergency Signaling Mirror |
ESM | Electronic Structure of Materials |
ESM | Efficient Second-order Minimization |
ESM | European School, Munich |
ESM | EW Support Measures |
ESM | Engineering Service Memorandum (US DoD) |
ESM | Exchange Store Manager (Quest software) |
ESM | Embedded Server Manager (Dell) |
ESM | Error Service Message |
ESM | Electronic System Management |
ESM | Echo State Machine |
ESM | End Switch Module (Telabs) |
ESM | Engine Starter Motor |
ESM | Environmental Social Movement |
ESM | Exchange Service Manual |
ESM | Elliptical Scattering Model |
ESM | Entente Sportive Mélorienne (French sports club) |
ESM | Enterprise Security Monitor |
ESM | Endoscopic Sewing Machine (medical) |
ESM | Embassy Student Ministries (Oshawa, ON, Canada) |
ESM | Emission Sensing Monitor |
ESM | Earth Savers Movement (Philippines) |
ESM | End Stage Module (DSC) |
ESM | Esperanto Society of Michigan (Beverly Hills, MI) |