ESMAEuropean Securities and Markets Authority (EU)
ESMAÉcole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques (French: Graduate School of Artistic Trades)
ESMAEscuela de Mecánica de la Armada (Navy School For Mechanics; Argentina, 1976-83)
ESMAEssential Services Maintenance Act (India)
ESMAExtended Server Memory Architecture
ESMAEuropean Smart Metering Alliance
ESMAEnterprise Storage Management Architecture
ESMAEuropean Sales & Marketing Association
ESMAEreignisSequenzMusterAnalyse (German: event sequence pattern analysis)
ESMAEquine Sports Massage Association
ESMAEscuela de Suboficiales de Mecánica de la Armada (Spanish)
ESMAEfficient Ship Machinery Arrangement
ESMAEnterprise System Management Architecture
ESMAElectronic Sales & Marketing Association
ESMAEpiscopal Society for Ministry to the Aging
ESMAEnhanced Subscriber Module Access
ESMAExpert System Maintenance Aid