Acronym | Definition |
EFL | English as a Foreign Language |
EFL | Education for Life (various organizations) |
EFL | Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy (Polish: European Leasing Fund) |
EFL | Empty Formal List |
EFL | Emitter Follower Logic |
EFL | Equivalent Focal Length |
EFL | Event Format Library |
EFL | Effective Focal Length |
EFL | Eastern Federal Lands |
EFL | Environments for Living |
EFL | European Football League (rugby) |
EFL | External Financing Limit (UK) |
EFL | Eight Foot Llama (games) |
EFL | Emitter-Follower Logic |
EFL | Electricity Facts Label (Public Utility Commission of Texas) |
EFL | English Football League |
EFL | Extrait Foliaire de Luzerne (French: Extract of Alfalfa Foliar) |
EFL | Email Forwarding for Life (various schools) |
EFL | Environmental Foundation Limited (Sri Lanka) |
EFL | Edited for Length |
EFL | Emergency Flare Launcher |
EFL | Eureka Forbes Limited |
EFL | Entry Flight Level |
EFL | Established Financial Limit |
EFL | Electrical Flying Lead |
EFL | Entreprise Filière Lunetière (French eyewear company) |
EFL | Electronic Foot Locker |
EFL | Extended Free List |
EFL | Environmental Fund for Lebanon Project |