Acronym | Definition |
EFO | Experimental Factor Ontology (software) |
EFO | Executive Fire Officer |
EFO | Étoile Filante de Ouagadougou (Burkinabé football club) |
EFO | Eddie from Ohio (Virginia pop folk band) |
EFO | Educational Foundation of Orinda (Ordina, CA) |
EFO | Electronic Flame Off |
EFO | European Federation of Osteopaths |
EFO | Établissements Français d'Océanie (French: French Settlements in Oceania) |
EFO | Exception to Fair Opportunity |
EFO | Errors Freaks and Oddities (philately) |
EFO | Efficient Fiber Optics |
EFO | Electronic Financial Officer |
EFO | Earnings from Operations |
EFO | Enabled, then Firing Once (STRPN transition) |
EFO | Egg Farmers of Ontario (Mississauga, ON) |
EFO | Emergency Field Office |
EFO | Exponential Financial Options (South Africa) |
EFO | Equivalent Field Office |
EFO | Executive Financial Officer |
EFO | Energy for Opportunity (Canada; est. 2008) |
EFO | Experience Factory Organization (software development) |
EFO | Executive Field Operations (Indian IT companies) |