EFOExperimental Factor Ontology (software)
EFOExecutive Fire Officer
EFOÉtoile Filante de Ouagadougou (Burkinabé football club)
EFOEddie from Ohio (Virginia pop folk band)
EFOEducational Foundation of Orinda (Ordina, CA)
EFOElectronic Flame Off
EFOEuropean Federation of Osteopaths
EFOÉtablissements Français d'Océanie (French: French Settlements in Oceania)
EFOException to Fair Opportunity
EFOErrors Freaks and Oddities (philately)
EFOEfficient Fiber Optics
EFOElectronic Financial Officer
EFOEarnings from Operations
EFOEnabled, then Firing Once (STRPN transition)
EFOEgg Farmers of Ontario (Mississauga, ON)
EFOEmergency Field Office
EFOExponential Financial Options (South Africa)
EFOEquivalent Field Office
EFOExecutive Financial Officer
EFOEnergy for Opportunity (Canada; est. 2008)
EFOExperience Factory Organization (software development)
EFOExecutive Field Operations (Indian IT companies)