Acronym | Definition |
FLA | Florida (old style) |
FLA | Fair Labor Association |
FLA | Macromedia Flash (file extension) |
FLA | Flash Files (file extension) |
FLA | Florida Library Association |
FLA | Faculty of Liberal Arts (various schools) |
FLA | Front Line Assembly (band) |
FLA | Foreign Language Academy (Kansas City, MO) |
FLA | Fédération Luxembourgeoise d'Athlétisme (French: Luxembourg Federation of Athletics; Luxembourg) |
FLA | Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc. (est. 1993; Sunnyvale, CA) |
FLA | Full Load Amperage |
FLA | Flash File |
FLA | Free Lie Algebra (mathematics) |
FLA | Finance and Leasing Association (banking) |
FLA | Fishpond Lease Agreement (Philippines) |
FLA | Fiduciary Licence Agreement (Free Software Foundation Europe) |
FLA | Future Large Aircraft (European Tactical Air Transport Concept) |
FLA | Football Licensing Authority (UK) |
FLA | Football Loisir Amateur (French: Amateur Leisure Football) |
FLA | First Language Acquisition (linguistics) |
FLA | Field Level Agreement (various organizations) |
FLA | Four Letter Acronym |
FLA | Florida East Coast Railway Company |
FLA | Full Load Amperes (name plate data on electric motors) |
FLA | Foothills Library Association (Province of Alberta, Canada) |
FLA | Florida Lighthouse Association |
FLA | Flight Article |
FLA | Federación Libertaria Argentina (Argentinian Libertarian Federation) |
FLA | Fliegerabwehr (German: anti aircraft) |
FLA | Fellow of the Library Association (UK) |
FLA | Front-Line Ambulance |
FLA | Florida Lodging Association (formerly Florida Hotel & Motel Association) |
FLA | French Language Arts |
FLA | Forest Lake Academy (Florida) |
FLA | Fábrica de Licores de Antioquia (Spanish; Medellín, Colombia) |
FLA | Five Letter Acronym |
FLA | Flash Lamp Annealing |
FLA | Field Litter Ambulance (US Army) |
FLA | Five Letter Abbreviation |
FLA | Four Letter Abbreviation |
FLA | Future Leaders of America, Inc. (California-based Latino youth leadership development program) |
FLA | Four Legged Advocates, Inc. |
FLA | Français Langue Académique (French: French Academic Language) |
FLA | Florida Learning Alliance, Inc. |
FLA | Financial Liaison Advisor |
FLA | Flexible Local Architecture |
FLA | Fletemeyer and Lee Associates, Inc (Boulder, CO architects) |
FLA | Fault Location Algorithm |
FLA | Français Langue d'Adaptation (French: French Language Adaptation) |
FLA | Fiducial Lights Assemblies |
FLA | Force Level Advisor |
FLA | Ferrite Loop Antenna |
FLA | Fractal Loop Antenna |
FLA | Finite-Length Analysis |