Acronym | Definition |
FICA | Federal Insurance Contributions Act (US) |
FICA | Festival International du Court Métrage d'Abidjan (French: International Short Film Festival in Abidjan; Côte d'Ivoire) |
FICA | Fur Information Council of America (West Hollywood, CA) |
FICA | Folded Inverted Conformal Antenna (telecommunications) |
FICA | Federation of International Cricketers Association |
FICA | Fondation Internationale de Capoeira Angola (French: International Foundation of Angola Capoeira) |
FICA | First International Computer of America |
FICA | Fellow de l'Institut Canadien des Actuaires (French: Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries) |
FICA | Forum for International Commercial Arbitration (now Forum for International Conciliation and Arbitration) |
FICA | Fellow of the International Compliance Association |
FICA | Fisher Island Community Association (Florida) |
FICA | Federal Insurance and Compensation Act |
FICA | Fort Irwin Cantonment Area (California; US Army) |
FICA | Forum for International Conciliation and Arbitration (formerly Forum for International Commercial Arbitration) |
FICA | Fleet Imaging Command Atlantic (Navy Photographic Command based in Norfolk Virginia) |
FICA | Federation of Independent Carnival Associations (UK) |