Acronym | Definition |
EVD | Ebola Virus Disease |
EVD | Event Dispatcher |
EVD | External Visual Display |
EVD | Enhanced Versatile Disc |
EVD | Ebola Virus Detection |
EVD | Electronic Voucher Distribution (software) |
EVD | Eigenvalue Decomposition |
EVD | External Ventricular Drain |
EVD | Electrochemical Vapor Deposition |
EVD | Extended Voluntary Departure (US immigration) |
EVD | Extraits Végétaux et Dérivés (French: Plant Extracts and Derivatives) |
EVD | Emergency Vehicle Driver |
EVD | Enhanced Voice Directory (Genie) |
EVD | Espaces Verts du Dauphiné (French: Green Spaces of Dauphine; Dauphine, France) |
EVD | English Version for the Deaf (bible translation) |
EVD | Engine Valve Driver |
EVD | Enhanced Vendor Delivery |
EVD | Early Version Demonstrations |