Acronym | Definition |
EVE | Evolution and Ecology (various locations) |
EVE | Électricité Verte (French: Green Electricity) |
EVE | Espace Vie Étudiante (French: Student Life Area) |
EVE | Easy Video Editing (software) |
EVE | Event Engine |
EVE | Extensible Vax Editor |
EVE | Embedded Vector Editor |
EVE | Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator (Pixar film Wall-E) |
EVE | Equal Value Exchange (US DoD) |
EVE | Essay Verification Engine |
EVE | Espace de Valorisation Économique (French: Economic Valuation of Space) |
EVE | Exemplary Voluntary Efforts (award) |
EVE | Emergency Medical Evacuation |
EVE | Economic Value of Equity |
EVE | Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment |
EVE | Emulation and Verification Engineering SA (France) |
EVE | Extended Virtual Environment |
EVE | End Violent Encounters |
EVE | Extensible Versatile Editor |
EVE | Evenes, Norway - Evenes (Airport Code) |
EVE | Estimations Ventes aux Enchères (French auctions) |
EVE | Everyone versus Everyone (online gaming) |
EVE | Epidural Volume Extension |
EVE | Extreme Value Engineering |
EVE | Electronic Vehicle Entry |
EVE | Exceptionally Versatile Evolvanoid (Sonic the Hedgehog) |
EVE | Effective Visibility Execution |
EVE | Expected Vertical Error (engineering) |