Acronym | Definition |
EOB | Explanation Of Benefits |
EOB | End of Buffer (computer programming) |
EOB | Enterprise Object Broker |
EOB | End Of Block |
EOB | Ensemble Orchestral de Bordeaux (French: Bordeaux Orchestra Ensemble; Bordeaux, France) |
EOB | Eye of the Beholder (game) |
EOB | Executive Office Building (next to White House) |
EOB | Electronic Order of Battle |
EOB | Encyclopedia of Business |
EOB | Evolution of Beauty |
EOB | Electricity Oversight Board |
EOB | Economic Opportunity Board |
EOB | Easy on Boarding |
EOB | End of Burst |
EOB | Essential Oils Boutique (body care products) |
EOB | End of Bombardment |
EOB | Electronic Orange Book (US FDA) |
EOB | Enemy Order of Battle |
EOB | Edge of Bed |
EOB | Expense Operation Budget |
EOB | End of Business Day |
EOB | Eastern/Greek Orthodox Bible |
EOB | Estimation of Benefits |
EOB | Ecology and Organismal Biology |
EOB | Editorial Operations Branch (National Institutes of Health) |
EOB | Evil Old Buggers (gaming group; UK) |
EOB | Eyes of Burn (computer game) |
EOB | Expense Operating/Operation Budget |
EOB | East Of Brooklyn |
EOB | East of Bucharest (film) |
EOB | Employee of Bungie (gaming) |
EOB | Emergency Outreach Bureau |
EOB | Enlightened of Boston (Boston, MA) |
EOB | East of Berlin |
EOB | End of Billing |
EOB | Extensional Ontology Base (computer science) |