EOBExplanation Of Benefits
EOBEnd of Buffer (computer programming)
EOBEnterprise Object Broker
EOBEnd Of Block
EOBEnsemble Orchestral de Bordeaux (French: Bordeaux Orchestra Ensemble; Bordeaux, France)
EOBEye of the Beholder (game)
EOBExecutive Office Building (next to White House)
EOBElectronic Order of Battle
EOBEncyclopedia of Business
EOBEvolution of Beauty
EOBElectricity Oversight Board
EOBEconomic Opportunity Board
EOBEasy on Boarding
EOBEnd of Burst
EOBEssential Oils Boutique (body care products)
EOBEnd of Bombardment
EOBElectronic Orange Book (US FDA)
EOBEnemy Order of Battle
EOBEdge of Bed
EOBExpense Operation Budget
EOBEnd of Business Day
EOBEastern/Greek Orthodox Bible
EOBEstimation of Benefits
EOBEcology and Organismal Biology
EOBEditorial Operations Branch (National Institutes of Health)
EOBEvil Old Buggers (gaming group; UK)
EOBEyes of Burn (computer game)
EOBExpense Operating/Operation Budget
EOBEast Of Brooklyn
EOBEast of Bucharest (film)
EOBEmployee of Bungie (gaming)
EOBEmergency Outreach Bureau
EOBEnlightened of Boston (Boston, MA)
EOBEast of Berlin
EOBEnd of Billing
EOBExtensional Ontology Base (computer science)