Acronym | Definition |
ELA | English Language Arts |
ELA | English Language Acquisition (educational program) |
ELA | École de Langue Anglaise (French: English Language School) |
ELA | East Los Angeles (California) |
ELA | Excellence in Leadership Award (various locations) |
ELA | Emergency Liquidity Assistance (finance) |
ELA | Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (International Linear Algebra Society) |
ELA | English Language Academy |
ELA | Education Law Association |
ELA | American Eel (FAO fish species code) |
ELA | Extended Learning Activities (various organizations) |
ELA | Experiential Learning Activity |
ELA | Employment Law Alliance (various locations) |
ELA | Estado Libre Asociado |
ELA | Enterprise License Agreement |
ELA | Environmental Leadership Award (various organizations) |
ELA | Establishment License Agreement |
ELA | Enduser License Agreement |
ELA | Evaluation License Agreement |
ELA | Easy Language Archive |
ELA | European Association for Education Law and Policy |
ELA | Epanastatikos Laikos Agonas (Greek: Revolutionary Popular Struggle) |
ELA | Experimental Lakes Area (Northwest Ontario) |
ELA | English Lacrosse Association |
ELA | Ecological Landscaping Association (Framingham, MA) |
ELA | Education Leadership Academy |
ELA | European Logistics Association |
ELA | Excimer Laser Annealing |
ELA | English Language Amendment |
ELA | Excess Loss Account (business taxation) |
ELA | Études de Linguistique Appliquée (French: Applied Linguistics Studies) |
ELA | European Lift Association (Belgium) |
ELA | Equilibrium Line Altitude |
ELA | Establishment License Application |
ELA | Equipment Leasing Association of America |
ELA | Essential Learning Area (education) |
ELA | Enterprise Licensing Agreement |
ELA | Exit Left Apparel (UK) |
ELA | Export Licence Application |
ELA | European Light Aircraft (European Aviation Safety Agency) |
ELA | Exchange Log Analyzer (software) |
ELA | Encryption Licensing Arrangement |
ELA | Extended Live Archive (computing) |
ELA | Empathetic Logic Analysis (psychology methodology) |
ELA | Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrópica (Spanish: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) |
ELA | Electrical Load Analysis |
ELA | Equipment Loan Agreement |
ELA | Expected Level of Achievement |
ELA | English Literary Association |
ELA | Emisora Libre Autogestionada (Madrid, Spain radio station) |
ELA | Englewood Leadership Academy (Englewood, CO) |
ELA | European Leukodystrophies Association |
ELA | Engineering Logistics and Acquisition (Army) |
ELA | Extradition Lawyers' Association (UK) |
ELA | Education Learning Aid |
ELA | Elektroakustik Lautsprecher Anlagen (Gernan: Public Address System) |
ELA | Eight Letter Acronym |
ELA | Expect Lower Altitude |