Acronym | Definition |
HCE | Host Card Emulation (software) |
HCE | Hyundai Construction Equipment (various locations) |
HCE | Houston Camera Exchange (Houston, TX) |
HCE | Highly Compensated Employee |
HCE | Halo Combat Evolved |
HCE | Halo Custom Edition (game) |
HCE | Here Comes Everybody (from Finnegan's Wake) |
HCE | Holiday Cookie Exchange |
HCE | Hexachloroethane (CAS Number 67-72-1) |
HCE | Health Care Executive |
HCE | Housing Consumer Education (various locations) |
HCE | Health Care of the Elderly |
HCE | Home & Community Education |
HCE | Hawaiian Creole English |
HCE | Health Care Experience |
HCE | Heat Collection Element (solar power) |
HCE | Highly Conserved Element (genes) |
HCE | Hyper-Cerebral Electrosis |
HCE | Hydrocarbon Expelled |
HCE | Healthcare Entity |
HCE | Human Centric Engine (Fujitsu) |
HCE | High Country Electric, Inc. (Las Vegas, NV) |
HCE | Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship (University of Strathclyde; UK) |
HCE | Hitachi Consulting Europe (est. 2006) |
HCE | Hot Carrier Effect |
HCE | Heater Control Electronics |
HCE | Hypertext Cultural Experiences (Venice, Italy) |
HCE | Human Caused Error |
HCE | Hobie Cat Europe |
HCE | Hardware Configuration Engineer |
HCE | Harmonie des Chemins de fer d'Epernay (Epernay Railway Wind Orchestra) |