ERRError Queue
ERREpic Rock Radio (Internet radio)
ERREuropean Respiratory Review (European Respiratory Society)
ERRError Log File
ERREmployment Responsibilities and Rights
ERREquipment Repair Request
ERREconomic Rate of Return
ERREstrogen-Related Receptor (biochemistry)
ERREastern Railroad
ERRExpected Rate of Return (finance/accounting)
ERRElectronic Reading Room
ERREmployee Rights and Responsibilities
ERREngineering Release Record
ERRExtended Resource Room (education)
ERRElastic Round Robin
ERREpileptic Recruiting Rhythm
ERRExtended Range Rocket
ERRExhaustive Round Robin
ERREqual, Round and Reactive (pupils)
ERREmergency Response Roster
ERREquivalent Range Rate
ERRElite Redbone Rangers (gaming clan)
ERREngineering Review Report
ERREngineering Revision Request
ERREconomic Retention Requirement
ERREmergency Regional Reporting (System)
ERREquipment Restricted Route