Acronym | Definition |
AAS | Associate in Applied Sciences |
AAS | American Astronomical Society |
AAS | American Antiquarian Society |
AAS | Associate of Arts and Science (various schools) |
AAS | Applied Arts and Sciences |
AAS | African American Studies |
AAS | African Academy of Sciences (est. 1985) |
AAS | Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy |
AAS | Academy of Agricultural Sciences (China) |
AAS | Atomic Absorption Spectrometry |
AAS | All-America Selections |
AAS | All America Selections |
AAS | Accounting Advisory Services |
AAS | Active Antenna System (wireless technology) |
AAS | Anabolic Androgenic Steroid |
AAS | Asian American Studies |
AAS | Association for Asian Studies |
AAS | American Association of Suicidology (Washington, DC) |
AAS | Atomic Absorption Spectrometer |
AAS | Ascii Adjust after Subtraction |
AAS | Automatic Addressing System |
AAS | Advanced Antenna System |
AAS | Address Allocation Server |
AAS | All to All Scatter |
AAS | Average Access Speed |
AAS | Adaptive Air Suspension |
AAS | Authorware Shocked Packet |
AAS | Application Analysis Solution |
AAS | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry |
AAS | ACTA Apostolicae Sedis |
AAS | American Astronautical Society |
AAS | Advanced Airborne Sensor |
AAS | Arnold Air Society |
AAS | Agricultural Advisory Services |
AAS | Applied Acoustics Systems |
AAS | Automobile Association of Singapore |
AAS | Australian Academy of Science |
AAS | Australian Accounting Standard |
AAS | Assistance and Advisory Services |
AAS | American Arachnological Society (est. 1972) |
AAS | Adopt-A-Stream (Georgia Department of Natural Resources) |
AAS | Advanced Academic Services (various locations) |
AAS | Aging and Adult Services |
AAS | Advanced Automation System |
AAS | African American Scholars |
AAS | Acide Acétylsalicylique (French: acetylsalicylic acid) |
AAS | Atlanta Audubon Society (Georgia) |
AAS | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
AAS | Alcatel Alenia Space (European space company) |
AAS | Alabama Academy of Science (est. 1924) |
AAS | Adaptive Antenna System |
AAS | Alive and Smiling (internet chat) |
AAS | American Auditory Society |
AAS | Advance and Secure (gaming) |
AAS | Annuaire des Associations de Santé (French: Directory of Health Associations) |
AAS | Association for Academic Surgery |
AAS | Aarskog-Scott Syndrome |
AAS | Academy of Applied Science |
AAS | Aarskog Syndrome |
AAS | Air Assault School (US DoD) |
AAS | Amphibious Assault Ship (US DoD) |
AAS | Angle, Angle, Side (geometry) |
AAS | Auto Area Segmentation |
AAS | Asian-African Summit |
AAS | Airport Advisory Service |
AAS | American Academy of Sanitarians |
AAS | All-To-All Scatter |
AAS | Arabian Advanced Systems |
AAS | Atypical Absence Seizure (epilepsy) |
AAS | Assisted Acquisition Services (GSA Office) |
AAS | Adult Attachment Scale |
AAS | Assyrian Academic Society |
AAS | All About Sex |
AAS | Amos Alonzo Stagg |
AAS | Ali Al Salem (military air base in Kuwait) |
AAS | Automated Accounting System |
AAS | Arkansas Archaeological Survey |
AAS | Asociación Argentina de Sedimentología (Spanish: Argentine Association of Sedimentology) |
AAS | Acute Abdominal Series (x-ray type) |
AAS | Aboriginal Air Services |
AAS | Aeromedical Airlift Squadron |
AAS | American Astrophysical Society |
AAS | Application Address Space (computing) |
AAS | Army Apprentices School (Australia) |
AAS | Advanced Authoring System (text adventure creation platform) |
AAS | Application Analysis Solution (Cisco) |
AAS | Anno Aetatis Suae (Latin: In the Year of His/Her Age) |
AAS | Adib Astronomical Society (Iran) |
AAS | Australian Association of Surgeons |
AAS | Assault Amphibian School (US Marine Corps) |
AAS | Auto Action Service (French automotive repair company) |
AAS | ASTER Airborne Simulator |
AAS | Arithmetic Assignment Statement |
AAS | Aircraft Arresting System |
AAS | Anterior Atlantoaxial Subluxation |
AAS | Automatic Announcement Subsystem |
AAS | Advanced Automated System (FAA) |
AAS | Automated Answering System |
AAS | Automatic Algorithm Selection |
AAS | Association des Amis de la Saoura |
AAS | All Around Sports (online retailer) |
AAS | Aide a la Scolarité (French: Help with Schooling) |
AAS | Acoustic Assessment System |
AAS | Acid Addition System |
AAS | Attack Assessment System |
AAS | All American SportsWare (sports software company) |
AAS | Airport Aids Services |
AAS | Anime Appreciation Society (University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire) |
AAS | Alert Area Supervisor |
AAS | Alternate Architecture Study |
AAS | Auto-Available Split/Skill |
AAS | Audio Amplifier System |
AAS | Advanced Academic Strategies |
AAS | Advanced Array Sensor |
AAS | Amphibious Assault Scenario |
AAS | Another Acronym Site |
AAS | Application Architecture Solutions (Sprint - Group) |
AAS | Aging Aircraft Subsystem |
AAS | Al Ain Association for Development |
AAS | Automatic Analysis/Addresser System |
AAS | Advanced Planning System Application Software |
AAS | Asymmetric Air Support (various armed forces) |
AAS | AFTAC Application Software |
AAS | Apptivity Application Server (Progress Software, Inc.) |
AAS | Acrylonitrile-Acrylic Rubber-Styrene Copolymer (resin) |
AAS | Alarmes Automatismes Services (French alarm service company) |
AAS | Altitude/Airspeed Sensor |
AAS | Approved As Stands |
AAS | Annual Activities Summary |
AAS | Accounting Attitude Scale |
AAS | American Aerial Survey, Inc. |
AAS | Ascending Aortic Stenosis |