AASPAustralasian Association for Suicide Prevention (Australia)
AASPAssociation for Applied Sport Psychology (est. 1986)
AASPAsian American Studies Program (various schools)
AASPApple Authorized Service Provider
AASPAuthorized Apple Service Provider (Apple computer products)
AASPAssociação dos Advogados de São Paulo (Brazil)
AASPAmerican Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists
AASPAlliance of Automotive Service Providers
AASPAmerican Alliance of Service Providers
AASPAdopt-a-School Partners
AASPAmerican Association of Swine Practitioners
AASPASCII Asynchronous Support Package
AASPAsian Association of Social Psychology
AASPAmerican Association for Single People
AASPAfrican American Studies Program
AASPAmerican Academy of Spine Physicians
AASPAmerican Academy of School Psychology
AASPAlberta Association for Safety Partnerships (Canada)
AASPArizona Association of School Psychologists
AASPAssociation of Advancement Services Professionals (Durham, NC)
AASPAcute Atrophic Spinal Paralysis
AASPAlabama Association of School Psychologists
AASPArmy Automation Security Program
AASPAmerican Antiquarian Society Proceedings
AASPAmerican Association for Social Psychiatry
AASPAndrew Antenna System Planner
AASPAscending Aorta Synchronized Pulsation
AASPAircraft ASW Search Patterns
AASPAdvanced Airborne Surveillance Program
AASPAmerican Association of School Psychologists
AASPArmy Automation Standardization Program (US Army)
AASPAustralian ATM Strategic Plan
AASPAll About South Park