Acronym | Definition |
ECDD | Engagement Communautaire pour le Développement Durable (French: Community Involvement in Sustainable Development) |
ECDD | Enhanced Customer Due Diligence |
ECDD | Economic and Community Development Department |
ECDD | Elm City Derby Damez (roller derby; New Hampshire) |
ECDD | École Publique Cantonale de Degré Diplôme (French: Cantonal Public School Degree Diploma; Switzerland) |
ECDD | Early Childhood Development Delay |
ECDD | Enterprise Community Development District (Florida) |
ECDD | eScience for Cheminformatics and Drug Discovery (Workshop) |
ECDD | Entreprise Calaisienne de Démolition et de Désamiantage (French demolition company) |
ECDD | Ethiopian Centre for Disability and Development |