Acronym | Definition |
ECF | Extracellular Fluid |
ECF | Eastern Conference Finals (basketball) |
ECF | Elemental Chlorine-Free (bleaching) |
ECF | Episcopal Church Foundation (New York, NY) |
ECF | European Cyclists Federation |
ECF | European Cultural Foundation |
ECF | École de la Cause Freudienne (French: School of the Freudian Cause) |
ECF | Economic Cooperation Foundation (Tel Aviv, Israel) |
ECF | East Coast Fever |
ECF | East China Fair (trade show) |
ECF | English Chess Federation |
ECF | Electronic Case Filing System (Administrative Office of the US Courts) |
ECF | Enterocutaneous Fistula (postoperative complication) |
ECF | Extended Care Facility (health care) |
ECF | European Coordinating Facility |
ECF | Early Church Fathers |
ECF | Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor (immunology) |
ECF | Event Recorder File |
ECF | Eth Connection Function |
ECF | Envelope Controlled Filter |
ECF | End of Complete Frame |
ECF | Enterprise Challenge Fund (Australia) |
ECF | European Career Fair (MIT European Club) |
ECF | Electronic Court Filing (law) |
ECF | École de Conduite Française (French: French Driving School) |
ECF | Equity Cash Flow |
ECF | Employees Community Fund (Boeing Puget Sound) |
ECF | Enterprise Capital Fund |
ECF | Ethical Culture Fieldston (Bronx, NY) |
ECF | Essex Community Foundation (UK) |
ECF | Erie Community Foundation (Erie, PA) |
ECF | Early Cancellation Fee (various companies) |
ECF | European Charcot Foundation |
ECF | Entry Control Facility |
ECF | Engineering Consulting Firm |
ECF | Electronic Claim Form (insurance) |
ECF | European Championship Final |
ECF | European Corporate Finance |
ECF | Electronic Claim File (insurance) |
ECF | Eclipse Communications Framework |
ECF | eCommerce Foundation |
ECF | Employees Compensation Fund |
ECF | Edgar Cayce Foundation (Virginia) |
ECF | Elmira Correctional Facility (New York) |
ECF | Experts-Comptables et Commissaires aux Comptes de France (French: Accountants and Auditors of France; union) |
ECF | Engineered Containment Facility (Canada) |
ECF | Entretien et Création de Fontaines (French: Creation and Maintenance of Fountains) |
ECF | Étoile Cycliste Fontenaysienne (French cycling club) |
ECF | Enhanced Connectivity Facilities (IBM) |
ECF | East Coast Fertility (New York) |
ECF | Employee Change Form (various organizations) |
ECF | External Configuration File |
ECF | Early Childhood Funders |
ECF | Espace Campus France (French study abroad program; various locations) |
ECF | Electronic Cigarette Forum |
ECF | Error Carried Forward |
ECF | Emissor Cupom Fiscal (Brazil) |
ECF | Essential Community Facility (California) |
ECF | European Construction Forum (Belgium) |
ECF | Entropic Cascade Failure |
ECF | Engineering Computer Facility |
ECF | Executable Choreography Framework (middleware-level framework) |
ECF | Equipment Characteristics File |
ECF | eCommerce Framework G5 (trademark of Mediachase ASP.NET) |
ECF | European Cooperation Fund |
ECF | Essential Command Function |
ECF | Enhanced Communications Facility |
ECF | Earth Center Fixed |
ECF | Evolutionary Computation Framework (algorithm development framework) |
ECF | Electronic Contracts Folder |
ECF | Expected Cost of Failure |
ECF | Emergency Calendar Filler |
ECF | Eastern Communication Forum |
ECF | Exercise Countermeasures Facility |
ECF | Exponential Correlation Function |
ECF | Elliptic Curve Factorization (mathematics) |
ECF | Employee's Clearance Form |
ECF | End Cruelty Forever (anti-animal cruelty organization) |