Acronym | Definition |
EFR | Early Failure Rate (reliability) |
EFR | Emergency First Response/Responder |
EFR | Enhanced Full Rate |
EFR | External Fault Relay |
EFR | End Function Review |
EFR | Exchange for Risk (sales) |
EFR | Experimental Forests and Ranges (USDA) |
EFR | Explorations Fonctionnelles Respiratoires (French: Pulmonary Function Testing) |
EFR | Envelope Following Response |
EFR | École Française de Rome (French: French School of Rome; Rome, Italy) |
EFR | Emerging Flux Region |
EFR | Eastern Frontier Rifles (India) |
EFR | Environmental Flow Requirement |
EFR | Efficient Foodservice Response (initiative) |
EFR | Eosinophilic Fungal Rhinosinusitis |
EFR | École de Formation Routière (French: Road Training School) |
EFR | Employee & Family Resources |
EFR | Engineering Factual Report |
EFR | Early Ford Registry (1903-1909) |
EFR | Emergency Fire Response (gaming) |
EFR | European Fast Reactor (reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels) |
EFR | Entreprise de Filetage Roulé (French: Thread Wrap Company) |
EFR | Environmental Field Report (Canada) |
EFR | European Furnace Ropion (French furnace company) |
EFR | Emergency Food Ration |
EFR | Educational Foundations and Research (University of North Dakota) |
EFR | Eastside Fire Rescue (Washington) |
EFR | Ecole Familiale Rurale (French: Rural Family School) |
EFR | Exhaust Fuel Ratio |
EFR | Extended Focus Range (Leupold rifle scope) |
EFR | Expiratory Flow Rate (pulmonary function testing) |
EFR | Electronic Food Records (initiative) |
EFR | Effective Resolution |
EFR | Extended Flight Rules |
EFR | Extended Frequency Range |
EFR | Equity Fund Raising |
EFR | European Financial Roundtable |
EFR | Eagle First Responder |
EFR | Equipment Facility Requirement |
EFR | Elite Fighting Revolution (Northern Ireland, UK) |
EFR | Equipment Failure Report |
EFR | Engine Firing Rate |
EFR | Electronic Failure Report |
EFR | External Function Request |
EFR | Expect Further Routing |
EFR | Engineering Facility Requirement |
EFR | Expatriate Failure Rate |
EFR | Environment Flow Releases |
EFR | Extracorporeal Flow Rate |