EFSÉtablissement Français du Sang (French: French Blood Establishment)
EFSEnfield Federal Savings (Enfield, CT)
EFSEducation for Sustainability (various locations)
EFSEvent Free Survival (survival rates in clinical trials)
EFSEncrypted File System (Microsoft Windows 2000)
EFSÉléments Français au Sénégal (French: French Elements in Senegal)
EFSEnergy for Sustainability (University of Coimbra initiative; Portugal)
EFSElectronic Filing System
EFSEncrypted File Sharing (computing)
EFSEvangeliska Fosterlandsstiftelsen (Sweden)
EFSEnergy Financial Services (General Electric)
EFSEuro Finanz Service (Austrian financial service)
EFSEconomics and Finance Society (various schools)
EFSError Free Signal
EFSEnhanced Filing System
EFSEnterprise File Services
EFSEncrypting File System
EFSExtended File System
EFSError Free Seconds
EFSElectronic Financial Services (various companies)
EFSÉcole Française de Spéléologie (French: French School of Speleology)
EFSExpeditionary Fighter Squadron
EFSEncryption File System (Intel)
EFSEnergy Finance Solutions (various locations)
EFSEconomic and Financial Studies (various locations)
EFSEuropean Federation of Sexology
EFSElectronic Filing Service
EFSEmbedded File System
EFSError Free Seconds (percentage)
EFSExpress Financial Services (various organizations)
EFSEesti Filmi Sihtasutuse (Estonian: Estonian Film Foundation)
EFSEnterprise File Services (HP)
EFSEmail Forwarding Service (software)
EFSEmployment & Family Services (Cuyahoga County, OH)
EFSEnglish for Foreign Students
EFSElectric Field Stimulation
EFSElectric Field Strength
EFSEmperor of the Fading Suns (computer game)
EFSEnchanted Forest Sanctuary (Florida)
EFSEnemy-Free Space (insects)
EFSEnterprise Freight Shopping (software)
EFSExtra Fine Structure (metallurgy)
EFSEnvironment Friends Society
EFSEnterprise File System (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada)
EFSEconomic Farm Surplus (farming productivity)
EFSExcellent Foreign Student (various locations)
EFSEnsemble Forecast System
EFSEngineering Functional Specification
EFSEngineering Feasibility Study
EFSEnhanced Flight Screening
EFSExternal File System
EFSExport Facilitation Scheme (Australian government)
EFSEnvironmental Friendly Solutions (UK)
EFSEnd of Frame Sequence
EFSExtreme Fantasy Sports
EFSElite Fitness System
EFSExtendibility, Flexibility, Scalability
EFSEscape From Samsara
EFSElectronic Form System
EFSEnhanced Fujita Scale (tornado strength)
EFSEffective Field Size
EFSElectric Funstuff (band & software company)
EFSEmergency Feedwater System
EFSEdwards, Faust, & Smith (Maine accounting firm)
EFSEnterprise File Sharing
EFSElectronic Firing Switch
EFSEnvironmental Feasibility Study
EFSElectronic Filing Systems, Inc.
EFSEmergency Feeding Service
EFSElastomeric Firestop (construction)
EFSEarth-Fixed System
EFSEnterprise Fax Solution
EFSElectric Field-induced Spectra
EFSExtended Fuel System
EFSEncrypting Firewall System
EFSExtended Function Set
EFSExercise for the Student
EFSExternal Focus Subassembly
EFSEqual Frequency Separation
EFSElectrical Feeder System
EFSEssential Fire Support
EFSExpert Finding Systems