Acronym | Definition |
EGA | Enhanced Graphics Adapter (640 by 350 pixels; 1.83:1 aspect ratio) |
EGA | Entreprise Générale d'Aménagement (French: General Contractor of Planning) |
EGA | Extended Graphics Array |
EGA | Embroiderers' Guild of America (Louisville, KY) |
EGA | Edge Select for Strobe a |
EGA | End of Guarded Area |
EGA | Enhanced Graphics Adapter |
EGA | Environmental Grantmakers Association |
EGA | Ensidigt Gentaget Arbejde (Danish: repetitive jobs) |
EGA | Enterprise Grid Alliance |
EGA | Entreprise Générale de l'Aisne (French general contractor) |
EGA | European Golf Association (Switzerland) |
EGA | Eagle, Globe, and Anchor (emblem of the United States Marine Corps) |
EGA | E-Government Authority (United Arab Emirates) |
EGA | European Generic medicines Association |
EGA | Edizioni Gruppo Abele (Abel Editions Group; activist organization, Italy) |
EGA | Estimated Gestational Age (obstetrics) |
EGA | Evolved Gas Analysis |
EGA | Elegant Gothic Aristocrat (Japanese fashion) |
EGA | Électricité Générale d'Ajaccio (French: General Power of Ajaccio; Ajaccio, France) |
EGA | Électricité Générale et Automatisme (French: General Electric and Automation) |
EGA | Employment Guarantee Act |
EGA | Exhaust Gas Analyzer |
EGA | Ermont Golf Association (France) |
EGA | Enhanced Graphics Array (640 by 350 pixels; 1.83:1 aspect ratio) |
EGA | Environment General Authority (Libyan preservationist organization) |
EGA | Earth Gravity Assist (gravity speed boost to a satellite) |
EGA | Entreprise Générale Armoricaine (French general contractor) |
EGA | Emergency General Assistance (welfare program, numerous states) |
EGA | Entente Gymnique Avignon (French sports club) |
EGA | Entreprise Goetz et Associés (French: Goetz and Company Associates) |
EGA | Evolved Gas Analyzer (scientific device for studying gases) |
EGA | Embryonic Genome Activation |
EGA | Électricité Générale Appliquée (French: Applied General Electric) |
EGA | El Golea, Algeria (airport code) |
EGA | Executive General Adjuster (insurance) |
EGA | Entreprise Générale Auboise (French general contractor) |
EGA | Engine Gimbal Actuator (astronomy) |
EGA | Empire Group Alliance |
EGA | Enterprise Grains Australia (grain quality improvement joint venture) |
EGA | Equilibrium Genetic Algorithm (genetics computation) |
EGA | Enhanced Global Asset (international stock holding) |
EGA | Edwin Gould Academy (New York City) |
EGA | Egyptian German Automotive Co. |
EGA | Elite Gymnastics Academy (Burnsville, MN) |
EGA | Embryonic Gene Activation |
EGA | ethylene glycol adipate |
EGA | Ethics in Government Act of 1978 |
EGA | E-Government Act of 2002 |
EGA | Electronic Great Awakening (educational/religious techno-literacy program) |
EGA | Emissivity Growth Approximation |
EGA | Empty Net Goals Against (hockey) |
EGA | European Gaucher Alliance (Europe) |
EGA | Elberton Granite Association, Inc. (Elberton, GA) |
EGA | Emissivity Curve of Growth Approximation |
EGA | Elitist Model of Genetic Algorithm |
EGA | Environment Generation and Analysis |
EGA | Extended Guarantee Annuity |
EGA | Emerson Gerard Associates, Inc. (marketing firm) |
EGA | Equity Growth Account |
EGA | extraneous and gratuitous acronym |
EGA | Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School for Girls (London, England) |
EGA | endotracheal general anesthesia (intubation for anesthesia) |
EGA | endocervical glandular atypia (precancerous condition of the cervix) |
EGA | eminentia granularis anterior (section of the brain) |