Acronym | Definition |
ETAC | Ethyl Acetate |
ETAC | Early Treatment of the Atopic Child (UCB Pharma) |
ETAC | Emergency Tactical Air Control (US DoD) |
ETAC | End-Tidal Anesthetic-Agent Concentration (surgery) |
ETAC | Enlisted Terminal Attack Controller |
ETAC | Environmental Technical Applications Center |
ETAC | Everyday Technologies for Alzheimer's Care |
ETAC | Enlisted Tactical Air Controller |
ETAC | Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference (of the Methodist Church in Singapore) |
ETAC | European TFC Admins Council (gaming) |
ETAC | Escadron Tactique de Chasse (French: Hunting Tactics Squadron; National Defence; Canada) |
ETAC | Environmental Tactical Applications Center |
ETAC | Englewood Transportation Advisory Committee (Colorado) |
ETAC | Electrically Tuned Antenna Coupler |
ETAC | Electronic Temperature and Acceleration Controller |
ETAC | Enterprise Technical Assistance Center |
ETAC | Enhanced Token Activated Code (computer programming language) |