FALFRAME (Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments) Alternatives Laboratory
FALBundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (federal research institute for agriculture, Braunschweig, Germany)
FALFerrovie Appulo Lucane (Italian railway company)
FALFrance Amérique Latine (French: France Latin America; association)
FALFoothill Athletic League (San Francisco, CA)
FALFusil Automatique Leger (Fabrique Nationale Light Automatic Rifle)
FALFédération des Associations Laïques (French: Secular Association Federation)
FALFédération des Amicales Laïques (French: Lay Fellowship Federation)
FALFinal Assembly Line
FALFunctional Adult Literacy (various locations)
FALConvention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (Maritime Law)
FALFaliscan (linguistics)
FALFirst Approach and Landing (US NASA)
FALFailure Analysis Laboratory (various organizations)
FALFunds At Lloyd's (insurance)
FALFrame Alignment Loss
FALFrequency Allocation List
FALFuji Air Line (Japan)
FALFault Applicability List (Navy PPP based curriculum development)
FALFall About Laughing
FALForces Armées de Laos (Lao Armed Forces)
FALFilter, Air, Carbon/Charcoal
FALFeature-Assisted Lithography
FALFunctional Area Lead