FFAFuture Farmers of America
FFAFree Fatty Acid
FFAFree For All
FFAForum Fisheries Agency
FFAFusiform Face Area (facial recognition)
FFAFootball for All (various locations)
FFAFédération Française d'Athlétisme (French: French Athletics Federation)
FFAFoundations for Algebra (textbook)
FFAForce Field Analysis (psychological technique)
FFAFar Far Away
FFAFédération Française Aéronautique (French: French Aeronautical Federation)
FFAField Force Automation
FFAFederal Facility Agreement
FFAFirst Female Ascent (climbing)
FFAFootball Federation of Australia (soccer/football, Australia)
FFAFirst Free Ascent (climbing)
FFAFirst Feature Application
FFAFuture File Architecture
FFAFirst Field Application
FFAFinal Fantasy Anthology
FFAFramework for Action
FFAFlood Frequency Analysis
FFAFoster Family Agency (various locations)
FFAFédération Française d'Airsoft (French airsoft federation)
FFAFlow of Funds Accounts
FFAForces Françaises en Allemagne (French: French Forces in Germany)
FFAFund for Animals
FFAFédération Française d'Addictologie (French addiction federation)
FFAFédération Française d'Aquariophilie (French: French Aquarium Federation)
FFAFree-Fire Area (US DoD)
FFAFédération Française des Assurés (French: French Federation of Insured)
FFAFederal Financial Aid
FFAFriends for Asia (Thailand)
FFAForum Francophone des Affaires (French: Francophone Business Forum)
FFAForward Freight Agreement
FFAFahrten-Ferne Abenteuer (German: Driving Distance Adventure)
FFAFundus Fluorescein Angiography (ophthalmological test)
FFAFree File Alliance (income taxes)
FFAFramför Allt
FFAFédération Française de l'Acier (French: French Steel Federation)
FFAFatima Family Apostolate (Hanceville, AL)
FFAFan Film Awards
FFAFinal Fantasy Adventure (game)
FFAFor Further Assignment (US DoD)
FFAFellow of the Faculty of Actuaries
FFAFédération Française d'Aérostation (French: French Ballooning Federation; est. 1977)
FFAFarmers for Action (UK)
FFAFlygtekniska Försöksanstalten (Aeronautical Research Institute of Sweden)
FFAFinal Fantasy Anthology (game package with Final Fantasy 5 and 6)
FFAFemale Fat Admirer
FFAFood for Assets
FFAFife Folklore Archives (Utah State University)
FFAFreedom for Animals
FFAFlorida Forestry Association
FFAFunctional Failure Analysis
FFAFace Fusiform Area
FFAForest Fire Association (Nelspruit, South Africa)
FFAFieselfreunde Augsburg
FFAFull Freight Allowed
FFAFood and Foodstuff Association (of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
FFAFukushima Flight Association (Japan)
FFAFinancial Funds Advisors International
FFAForm Factor Accurate (Qualcomm)
FFAFlorida Fruit Association
FFAFlammable Fabrics Act of 1953
FFAFinal Flash Association
FFAFinnish Forest Association
FFAFlorida Flute Association (Bradenton, FL)
FFAFree-Flight Airspace
FFAFinite Field Arithmetic
FFAForest Farmers Association
FFAFamily Faculty Association
FFAFood For Agriculture (WHO)
FFAFinal Fantasy Addicts (website)
FFAFrankfort Arsenal
FFAFletcher Farr Ayotte PC (Portland, Oregon)
FFAFrench Forces in Germany (Forces Francaises en Allemagne)
FFAF”reningen F”r Arbetarskydd (Sweden)
FFAFire Fighting Appliance
FFAFailed Fuel Assembly
FFAFree Freight Allowance
FFAFunctional Flow Analysis (Bellcore)
FFAFlorida Family Action
FFAFamily Funeralhome Association (est. 1989)
FFAFellow, Institute of Financial Accountants
FFAFilter Fan Assembly