Acronym | Definition |
ESP | Especially |
ESP | España (Spain) |
ESP | Extrasensory Perception |
ESP | Electronic Stability Program |
ESP | Spain (ISO Country code) |
ESP | English for Specific Purposes |
ESP | Encapsulating Security Payload |
ESP | Electric Sound Products (guitar manufacturer) |
ESP | Environmental Science and Policy (various schools) |
ESP | Education Support Personnel |
ESP | Employment Support Program (Massachusetts) |
ESP | Extended Service Plan |
ESP | Enhanced Services Platform |
ESP | École de Santé Publique (French: School of Public Health; France and Belgium) |
ESP | Elektroniczna Skrzynka Podawcza (Polish: Electronic Inbox) |
ESP | Entertainment Software Publishing (Japan) |
ESP | Estimation and Signal Processing (University of Connecticut) |
ESP | Electric Soft Parade (band) |
ESP | Electronic Stabilisation Programme (cars) |
ESP | Spanish Peseta (old currency code; replaced EUR) |
ESP | Electrostatic Precipitator |
ESP | Environmental Studies Program |
ESP | Event Stream Processing |
ESP | Early Site Permit |
ESP | Equipment Spare Parts (est. 1967; various locations) |
ESP | Erector Spinae Block (anaesthetic) |
ESP | Energy Saving Potential (cost savings) |
ESP | Eat, Sleep and Poop (parenting guide) |
ESP | Enhanced Super-parallel Processing |
ESP | Eastern State Penitentiary (Philadelphia, PA) |
ESP | Environmental Stewardship Program (various locations) |
ESP | Electronic Systems Protection (various companies) |
ESP | Emergency Standby Power (various companies) |
ESP | Effective Service Provision (UK) |
ESP | Education Scholars Program (various locations) |
ESP | Environmental Services Project (various organizations) |
ESP | Extended Services Platform |
ESP | Experiment Sensing Platform |
ESP | Enterprise Server Platform |
ESP | Electronic Shock Protection |
ESP | Enhanced Service Provider |
ESP | Encryption Security Payload |
ESP | Electronic Skip Protection |
ESP | Electric Shift Program |
ESP | Enumeration and Sensing Process |
ESP | Eclipse Screensaver Project |
ESP | Extension Sort Packer |
ESP | Easy Setup Program |
ESP | Extended Services Processor |
ESP | Entropy Based Speculative |
ESP | Electronic Service Provider |
ESP | Enterprise Sales Professional |
ESP | Encapsulating Security Protocol |
ESP | Environment Service Provider |
ESP | Estimated Selling Price |
ESP | Equestrian Sport Productions (Wellington, FL) |
ESP | Easy Software Products (Morgan Hill, CA) |
ESP | Electronic Security Products (various locations) |
ESP | Electrical Submersible Pump |
ESP | Exchangeable Sodium Percentage |
ESP | Electric Submersible Pump |
ESP | Estimated Street Price |
ESP | Electro Selective Pattern (Olympus cameras) |
ESP | Energy Service Provider |
ESP | École Supérieure de Publicité de Communication et de Marketing (French: Graduate School of Communication, Advertising and Marketing) |
ESP | Everlasting Sacred Path (gaming) |
ESP | Electronic Statement Presentment |
ESP | E-Mail Service Provider |
ESP | Espresso Service Proximité (French: Espresso Proximity Service) |
ESP | Easy Setup Program (software) |
ESP | Energy Saving Products |
ESP | Ely State Prison (Nevada) |
ESP | Engineering Software Package |
ESP | Ensemble Streamflow Prediction |
ESP | Essential Study Partner |
ESP | Electronic Skip Protection (portable CD players) |
ESP | Educational Software Package (various organizations) |
ESP | Effective Sales Presentation |
ESP | End Software Patents |
ESP | Enterprise Security Program (various organizations) |
ESP | Enterococcal Surface Protein (gene) |
ESP | Exit Strategy Planning (UK) |
ESP | Electric Service Provider |
ESP | External Static Pressure |
ESP | Engine Service Platform (US NASA) |
ESP | Embedded Systems Programming |
ESP | Enterprise Service Provider |
ESP | European Society for Photobiology |
ESP | External Service Provider |
ESP | Extended Stack Pointer |
ESP | Energy Saving Programmability (Philips) |
ESP | Emergency Shutdown Procedure (various locations) |
ESP | Encapsulation Security Protocol (IPSec) |
ESP | Executive Search Partners (Milwaukee, WI) |
ESP | Elder Signs Press (publisher; Lake Orion, MI) |
ESP | Eudora Sharing Protocol |
ESP | Ecologically Sustainable Production (forest resources) |
ESP | Énergie et Système de Propulsion (French: Energy and Propulsion System) |
ESP | Electronic Speed Control |
ESP | École Supérieure de Plasturgie (French: Graduate School of Plastic Processing) |
ESP | Enterprise Security Practice (451 Research) |
ESP | Employee Selection Process (various organizations) |
ESP | Environmental Screening Process (Ministry of the Environment; Canada) |
ESP | Extended Service Program |
ESP | Evropska Sosedska Politika (Slovenian: European Neighborhood Policy) |
ESP | Enhanced Serial Port |
ESP | Enterprise Server Product |
ESP | Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Protein |
ESP | Extended Study Program (various locations) |
ESP | Educational Surrogate Parent (various locations) |
ESP | Enterprise Security Platform (internet security systems) |
ESP | External Storage Platform (US NASA) |
ESP | Employer Support Payment (Australia; military reserve) |
ESP | Empirical Studies of Programmers (Conference) |
ESP | Entrepreneurial Signature Program (Ohio) |
ESP | Entelligence Security Provider (desktop security) |
ESP | Extra Special People |
ESP | Email Standards Project |
ESP | Embedded Support Partner |
ESP | Electronic Security Perimeter (computer security) |
ESP | Emulation Sensing Processor |
ESP | Emergency Services Program |
ESP | Early Support Program |
ESP | Equal Shared Parenting (family law) |
ESP | Error Some Place (attributed to Sam Walton) |
ESP | Explosives Site Plan (US Army) |
ESP | Economic Security Project |
ESP | E-commerce Service Provider |
ESP | E-Services Philippines (trade show) |
ESP | Environmental Service Professionals, Inc. (Palm Springs, CA) |
ESP | Équipement sous Pression (French: Equipment Under Pressure) |
ESP | Electronic Shift Program |
ESP | Emotional Selling Point (business/marketing) |
ESP | Environmental Systems Products Holdings, Inc |
ESP | Extranet for Security Professionals (US OPM/DARPA) |
ESP | Earthquake Survival Program |
ESP | Encapsulated Post Script |
ESP | Electronic Submission Procedure (Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association) |
ESP | Extended Services Processor (Cisco) |
ESP | Extended Self-Containing Prolog |
ESP | Enhanced Survey Program |
ESP | Engineering Support Personnel, Inc. (Orlando, FL) |
ESP | Electroshock Protection |
ESP | Economic Strategy Panel (California) |
ESP | EUV SpectroPhotometer |
ESP | Ecological Society of the Philippines |
ESP | External Services Provider(s) |
ESP | Enseignes Services Plus (French sign company) |
ESP | Elliot Sound Products |
ESP | Entente Sportive du Plateau de Saclay (French sports club) |
ESP | External Studies Program (various schools) |
ESP | Electrochemical Simulations Package (software) |
ESP | Ethernet Serial Port |
ESP | Econometric Software Package |
ESP | Extremely Small Penis |
ESP | Encoding Specificity Principle (cognitive psychology) |
ESP | Early Silicon Performance |
ESP | Esophagojejunostomy |
ESP | Electromagnetic Surface Patch |
ESP | Epididymal Secretory Protein |
ESP | Extreme Support Through Personalization |
ESP | Extra Special Powers :-) |
ESP | Environnement Sécurité Pyrotechnie (French: Environment Safety Pyrotechnics) |
ESP | Equally-Spaced Polynomial |
ESP | Extra Simple Pascal |
ESP | Electronic Skid Prevention (automobiles) |
ESP | Evolutionary Spiral Process |
ESP | Essential Service Protection |
ESP | European School of Physiotherapy (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) |
ESP | Emergency Sickness Plan |
ESP | Electronic Sales Partner |
ESP | Earth-Surface-Potential |
ESP | Electric Service Priority |
ESP | Enterprise Simulation Platform (Microsoft) |
ESP | Embedded Service Processor (Cisco) |
ESP | Exposure Smart Protector (hearing aid) |
ESP | Enriched Support Program |
ESP | EMV Script Processor |
ESP | Errored Second - Path |
ESP | Enhanced Services Providers |
ESP | Extension Specific Processing |
ESP | Emily's Strange Posse |
ESP | Emulex SCSI Processor (Emulex) |
ESP | Enhanced SAR (Segmentation and Reassembly) Processor |
ESP | Engineering Support Program |
ESP | Engineer Starters Program |
ESP | Edge Services Provider |
ESP | Envelopes and Stubby Pencil |
ESP | Extended Service Package |
ESP | Extended Service Processor |
ESP | Enterprise Security Protector (Visionael) |
ESP | Erstsemesterinnen Projekt (German: first semester project) |
ESP | Energy Savings Payback |
ESP | External Simulation Protocol |
ESP | External Sensory Perception |
ESP | Enhanced Support Program |
ESP | Enterprise Systems Platform (Cybermation Inc.) |
ESP | Emergency & Special Program |
ESP | Energy System Planning |
ESP | Encrypting Security Payload (IPSec) |
ESP | Electronic Sales Promotion |
ESP | Electronic Systems Personnel |
ESP | Electronic Support Planner (USAP) |
ESP | Electro-Sensitive Programming |
ESP | Electronic Sort Processor |
ESP | Editable Stand-Alone Presentation |
ESP | Engineering Service Project |
ESP | Expeditionary Site Plan (Air Force Instruction 10-404) |
ESP | Executive Screening Program (various organizations) |
ESP | Enhanced Storage Platform |
ESP | Engineer Supply Point |
ESP | Essential Spare Pivoting |
ESP | Equipment Survey Program |
ESP | Enterprise Strategic Plan |
ESP | Event Script Programming |
ESP | Extended Sick Pay (AmSEC) |
ESP | Engine System Prognosis (US DARPA) |
ESP | Emergency Service Pack |
ESP | Enhanced Server Pages (Grey Matter Intelligent and Interactive Inc.; web scripting language and file extension) |
ESP | Educación Sexual Pública (Spanish) |
ESP | Electronic Strike Package |
ESP | Employee Stock Program |
ESP | End of Segment Punctuation (Wordfast software) |
ESP | Educational Series for Parents |
ESP | Emergency Sprinkler Pump |
ESP | Exclusive Services Payment (theatre director rehearsal pay) |
ESP | Expanded Shortest Path (routing algorithm) |
ESP | Enhanced Service Package (Sprint, MCI) |
ESP | Enroute Spacing Program |
ESP | Expert Speech Processor |
ESP | Element Skateboard Products |
ESP | Ecumenical Service for Peace (Cameroon) |
ESP | Electronic Security and Patrol |
ESP | Employer Sponsored Passes |
ESP | Ezilenlerin Sosyalist Partisi |
ESP | Exploitation of Signals Parameters |
ESP | Eastenders Strong Pils |
ESP | Eureka Springs Paranormal (Arkansas) |
ESP | Electronic Systems Package |
ESP | Extra Sex Please |
ESP | Earth Sciences Partnership |