EMSAElectrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (molecular biology)
EMSAEuropean Maritime Safety Agency
EMSAEmergency Medical Services Authority (California)
EMSAEuropean Medical Students' Association
EMSAEmergency Medical Services Agency
EMSAElectrophoretic Gel Mobility Shift Assay
EMSAEmergency Medical Services Appropriation
EMSAExternal Measure of Student Achievement
EMSAElectro Mobility Shift Assay (molecular biology)
EMSAEuropean Marine STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data) Association
EMSAEgyptian Medical Students Association
EMSAEnvelope Manufacturers and Suppliers Association (Alexandria, VA)
EMSAElectron Microscope Society of America
EMSAEmergency Medicine Student Association
EMSAEagle Mountain Soccer Association
EMSAEmployment Movement of South Africa
EMSAEuropean Mormon Studies Association
EMSAEmergency Medical Services Alliance, Inc.
EMSASeaman Apprentice, Electrician's Mate Striker (Naval Rating)