Acronym | Definition |
EOG | Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego (Polish: European Economic Area; free trade zone) |
EOG | Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings Plc) |
EOG | Eye on Gambling (sports forum) |
EOG | Electro-Oculogram |
EOG | End of Grade (tests used in NC) |
EOG | Enron Oil & Gas (stock symbol) |
EOG | Executive Office of the Governor |
EOG | English Opera Group (UK) |
EOG | Educational Opportunity Grant (Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board; Olympia, WA) |
EOG | Emergency Operations Group (various organizations) |
EOG | Expeditionary Operations Group |
EOG | End of Group (database queries) |
EOG | End of Game |
EOG | Early-Onset Glaucoma (eye disorder) |
EOG | École d'Ostéopathie Genève (French: Geneva School of Osteopathy; Geneva, Switzerland) |
EOG | Executive Operations Group (various companies) |
EOG | Electrolytic Oxygen Generator (US Navy submarine) |
EOG | Exercise Observation Group |
EOG | Evolution of Gaming (gaming clan) |
EOG | Element One Gaming (clan) |