EOIExpression Of Interest
EOIEffect of Interest
EOIExchange of Information
EOIEvidence Of Insurance
EOIEmbassy of India
EOIEvidence of Insurability
EOIEscuela Oficial de Idiomas (Spain, Official Languages School)
EOIEnd of Injection
EOIEconomic Opportunity Institute
EOIEvidence of Identity
EOIExpressions of Interest
EOIExplanation of Investment
EOIEnd of Image
EOIEdge of Insanity
EOIEnd of Innocence (music album)
EOIEnd of Interrupt
EOIEscuela de Organización Industrial (Spain)
EOIEnd of Irradiation
EOIEvidence of Identity (various nations)
EOIExport Oriented Industrialisation
EOIEngine of Innovation
EOIElectronic Operator Interface
EOIEvery Other Issue
EOIEnd of Input
EOIEnd Or Identify
EOIEnd of Instruction (type of exam)
EOIExport Oriented Industry
EOIElectronic Object Identifier
EOIExtra Ordinary Income
EOIElectro-Optical Interface (Nortel)
EOIEmergency Operating Instruction(s)
EOIEuropean Ombudsman Institute
EOIEquivalence of Input (telecommunications regulation)
EOIEconomic Opportunity Initiative (various organizations)
EOIEarth Orbit Insertion
EOIElf Only Inn (webcomic)
EOIEnd of Identity
EOIEnd Of Installation (US Navy)
EOIEnd of Item
EOIElectronic Order Interface
EOIEarly Operational Interface
EOIExecutive Office Installation
EOIEngineering Operating Instruction
EOIEffective Operating Income
EOIEarly Oral Intervention (Mississippi)