EOMEnd Of Message
EOMEnd Of Month
EOMEquations Of Motion
EOMExtinction of Mankind (band)
EOMEvaluation of Materials
EOMElection Observation Mission
EOMEnd of Market
EOMElements of Music (music producer)
EOMEnterprise Operations Management
EOMExecutive Office of the Mayor (Washington, DC)
EOMExtractable Organic Matter (energy)
EOMExtra-Ocular Movement (medical)
EOMEmployee of the Month
EOMEnd of Medium
EOMEnd of Marketing
EOMEnterprise Output Management
EOMEnd of Monitor
EOMEthernet over Mpls
EOMEnd of the Month
EOMEthernet Optical Module
EOMEngineering Operations Manual
EOMEmphasis of Matter (auditing)
EOMEconomy of Movement
EOMEnd of Media
EOMExtra-Ocular Muscle (medical)
EOMEvery Other Month
EOMEquilibrium of Man
EOMEvery Other Monday
EOMEquipment Original Manufacturer
EOMElectro-Optic Modulator
EOMEnterprise Order Management (software)
EOMExpenditure on Manpower
EOMEye-Opening Monitor (circuit architecture)
EOMEarth Observation Magazine
EOMEnd of Mission
EOMEntreprise d'Opération Maritime (French: Maritime Operation Company)
EOMElectric Overhead Monorail
EOMEnd Of Memory
EOMEngineering Operations Manual (various organizations)
EOMEssential Object Model
EOMExtra Ordinary Maintenance (budgeting)
EOMEarl of March (secondary school)
EOMEnd of Module
EOMEarth Observation Mission
EOMEnterprise Output Manager (Unisys)
EOMEastern Owners Meeting
EOMEnd of Matter
EOMEchelons of Maintenance (USMC logistics)
EOMEnglish Only Movement
EOMEnlisted Open Mess
EOMExecution Ordering Method
EOMEnvironmental Management and Operations
EOMEngineering Operation and Maintenance Manual
EOMEmpty of Message (message boards, chat rooms)
EOMExecutive Office Memorandum
EOMEnd of Minute