Acronym | Definition |
EOR | Enhanced Oil Recovery |
EOR | Exporter of Record (shipping) |
EOR | End of Record |
EOR | Emergency Operating Room (various locations) |
EOR | End of Report |
EOR | End of Round (gaming) |
EOR | End of Row |
EOR | Ethernet over Rpr |
EOR | Exclusive or |
EOR | Essence of Recovery (alcoholism website) |
EOR | European Organization for Research |
EOR | Electric Orbit Raising (satellites) |
EOR | Eye of Round (meat) |
EOR | Element Occurrence Record (biotics) |
EOR | Engineer of Record |
EOR | Earth Orbit Rendezvous |
EOR | End of Run (US Postal Service) |
EOR | End of Range |
EOR | End of Rant (e-mail, newsgroups, etc.) |
EOR | End of Run (Oil Refining) |
EOR | East of the River |
EOR | End of Runway |
EOR | Equal Opportunity Representative (US Army) |
EOR | Explanation Of Review |
EOR | Ente Operador Regional (Spanish: Regional Operator Entity) |
EOR | Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance |
EOR | Employer of Record |
EOR | Élève-Officier de Réserve (French: Cadet Reserve Officer) |
EOR | Element Of Resource |
EOR | Epping-Ongar Railway (UK) |
EOR | Exclusive Or Gate |
EOR | Expertise et Optimisation Retraite (French: Expertise and Optimization Retreat) |
EOR | Evidence of Receipt |
EOR | End of RIB |
EOR | End of Retransmission |
EOR | Engage on Remote |
EOR | Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc (Oakdale, MN) |
EOR | End of Ramp |
EOR | Explanation of Reimbursement (medical insurance) |
EOR | Explosive Ordnance Recognition |
EOR | Enterprise of Responsibility |
EOR | Enterprise Organizational Readiness |
EOR | Engage Order Remote |
EOR | End of the Road/Route |
EOR | Equipment Operational Readiness |
EOR | Effective Operational Radius |
EOR | Equipment Operationally Ready |
EOR | Eastern Ontario Regiment (Canada) |
EOR | Engineering Order Request |