Acronym | Definition |
FACE | Family and Community Engagement (various organizations) |
FACE | Free Air CO2 Enrichment |
FACE | Fondation Agir contre l'Exclusion (French: Foundation for Action against Exclusion) |
FACE | Federal Agency for Civic Education (Germany) |
FACE | Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation |
FACE | Former and Current Employees |
FACE | Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act |
FACE | Foundation for American Christian Education |
FACE | French American Cultural Exchange |
FACE | Faith Action for Community Equity (Hawaii) |
FACE | Family And Consumer Education |
FACE | Fight Against Child Exploitation |
FACE | Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU (European Union; est. 1977) |
FACE | Fair and Clean Elections |
FACE | Fluorophore-Assisted Carbohydrate Electrophoresis |
FACE | Federación de Asociaciones de Celiacos de España (Spanish) |
FACE | Family and Child Education (Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Indian Education Programs) |
FACE | Free Air Concentration Enrichment |
FACE | Faruk's Animated CSS Enhancements |
FACE | Friends of Active Copyright Education |
FACE | Forum for the Advancement of Continuing Education |
FACE | Forum for Access and Continuing Education (UK) |
FACE | Families Adopting Children Everywhere |
FACE | Fellow of the Australian College of Education |
FACE | Florida Autism Center of Excellence (Tampa, Florida) |
FACE | Forests Absorbing Carbon-Dioxide Emission |
FACE | Fine Arts Core Education (Canadian high school) |
FACE | Florida Association of Code Enforcement |
FACE | Future Airborne Capability Environment (Open Group) |
FACE | Fellow, American College of Endocrinology |
FACE | Foundation for the Advancement of Chiropractic Education |
FACE | Federation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe |
FACE | Façade, Aluminium, Couverture, Étanchéité (French: Facade, Aluminium, Roofing, Waterproofing) |
FACE | Fácil Adicción al Chisme y el Entretenimiento (Spanish: Easy Addiction, Gossip and Entertainment) |
FACE | Federal Acquisition Conference and Exposition |
FACE | Forward Aviation Combat Engineering |
FACE | Families Advancing Craniofacial Excellence |
FACE | Fathers' and Children's Equality, Inc. |
FACE | Field Artillery Computing Equipment |
FACE | Finchfield and Castlecroft Enterprise |
FACE | Future Abilities Creative Employment |
FACE | Florida Association for Computers in Education, Inc. |
FACE | Fight Against Corruption Everywhere |
FACE | Faculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering |
FACE | Facilities And Communication Evaluation |
FACE | Fellow of American College of Epidemiology (established in 1979) |
FACE | Foundation Against Companion Euthanasia (animal spay-neuter clinic) |
FACE | Fast, Accurate, Cost-effective, Easy |
FACE | Fundacion para el Adelanto Comunitario Ecumenico (Ecuador) |
FACE | Framed Access Communications Environment (AT&T) |
FACE | Fire and Auto Claims Efficiency (insurance) |
FACE | Fighter Aircraft Communications Enhancement (Air Force) |
FACE | Foundation Active in Community Enrichment |
FACE | Fire - Achieving Claims Excellence (insurance) |
FACE | Fiber Access Covering Everyone |
FACE | Fighter Air C2 Enhancement |
FACE | Fat Albert Can Eat (mnemonic for Bass Clef space note names) |
FACE | Fuels for Advanced Combustion Engines Group (Coordinating Research Council) |