FACEFamily and Community Engagement (various organizations)
FACEFree Air CO2 Enrichment
FACEFondation Agir contre l'Exclusion (French: Foundation for Action against Exclusion)
FACEFederal Agency for Civic Education (Germany)
FACEFatality Assessment and Control Evaluation
FACEFormer and Current Employees
FACEFreedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act
FACEFoundation for American Christian Education
FACEFrench American Cultural Exchange
FACEFaith Action for Community Equity (Hawaii)
FACEFamily And Consumer Education
FACEFight Against Child Exploitation
FACEFederation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU (European Union; est. 1977)
FACEFair and Clean Elections
FACEFluorophore-Assisted Carbohydrate Electrophoresis
FACEFederación de Asociaciones de Celiacos de España (Spanish)
FACEFamily and Child Education (Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Indian Education Programs)
FACEFree Air Concentration Enrichment
FACEFaruk's Animated CSS Enhancements
FACEFriends of Active Copyright Education
FACEForum for the Advancement of Continuing Education
FACEForum for Access and Continuing Education (UK)
FACEFamilies Adopting Children Everywhere
FACEFellow of the Australian College of Education
FACEFlorida Autism Center of Excellence (Tampa, Florida)
FACEForests Absorbing Carbon-Dioxide Emission
FACEFine Arts Core Education (Canadian high school)
FACEFlorida Association of Code Enforcement
FACEFuture Airborne Capability Environment (Open Group)
FACEFellow, American College of Endocrinology
FACEFoundation for the Advancement of Chiropractic Education
FACEFederation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe
FACEFaçade, Aluminium, Couverture, Étanchéité (French: Facade, Aluminium, Roofing, Waterproofing)
FACEFácil Adicción al Chisme y el Entretenimiento (Spanish: Easy Addiction, Gossip and Entertainment)
FACEFederal Acquisition Conference and Exposition
FACEForward Aviation Combat Engineering
FACEFamilies Advancing Craniofacial Excellence
FACEFathers' and Children's Equality, Inc.
FACEField Artillery Computing Equipment
FACEFinchfield and Castlecroft Enterprise
FACEFuture Abilities Creative Employment
FACEFlorida Association for Computers in Education, Inc.
FACEFight Against Corruption Everywhere
FACEFaculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering
FACEFacilities And Communication Evaluation
FACEFellow of American College of Epidemiology (established in 1979)
FACEFoundation Against Companion Euthanasia (animal spay-neuter clinic)
FACEFast, Accurate, Cost-effective, Easy
FACEFundacion para el Adelanto Comunitario Ecumenico (Ecuador)
FACEFramed Access Communications Environment (AT&T)
FACEFire and Auto Claims Efficiency (insurance)
FACEFighter Aircraft Communications Enhancement (Air Force)
FACEFoundation Active in Community Enrichment
FACEFire - Achieving Claims Excellence (insurance)
FACEFiber Access Covering Everyone
FACEFighter Air C2 Enhancement
FACEFat Albert Can Eat (mnemonic for Bass Clef space note names)
FACEFuels for Advanced Combustion Engines Group (Coordinating Research Council)