EGBEducación General Básica (Educación Primaria)
EGBExtract of Ginkgo Biloba
EGBExtended Game Board
EGBEmerging Green Builders
EGBÉchantillon Généraliste de Bénéficiaires (French: General Sample of Beneficiaries; insurance)
EGBÉlectricité Générale du Bâtiment (French: General Electric Building)
EGBExhaust Gas Bypass (engine technology)
EGBÉlan Gymnique de Blagnac (French gymnastics organization)
EGBEnvironnement et Gestion de la Biodiversité (French: Environment and Biodiversity Management; degree)
EGBÉcole de Gardien de But (French: School Goalie)
EGBEuropean Government Bonds
EGBEntreprise Garnachoise de Bâtiment (French construction business)
EGBÉquipement Gastronomique de Bourgogne (French: Gourmet Equipment Burgundy; Burgundy, France)
EGBElephant Ginger Beer (Sri Lanka)
EGBElectronic Gaming Business
EGBExhaust Gas Boiler
EGBEconomics of Global Business
EGBEnvironmental Geochemistry and Biogeochemistry
EGBÉcuries du Grand Beaulieu (French horse stables)
EGBEntreprise Générale Barbero (French general contractor)
EGBElite Guard Barracks (forum)
EGBErin Go Braugh
EGBElectrical Ground Bus