Acronym | Definition |
EDP | Electronic Data Processing |
EDP | Eau de Parfum |
EDP | Eastern Daily Press (UK) |
EDP | Energias de Portugal |
EDP | Embedded Display Port (Video Electronics Standards Association) |
EDP | European Democratic Party |
EDP | Economic Development and Planning (various organizations) |
EDP | Excessive Deficit Procedure |
EDP | Electricidade de Portugal (Portugal) |
EDP | Engineering Design Process |
EDP | Engineering Development Program |
EDP | End Diastolic Pressure (cardiology) |
EDP | Entrepreneurship Development Programme (India) |
EDP | Economic Development Policy |
EDP | Enterprise Data Protection |
EDP | Équation aux Dérivées Partielles (French: Partial Differential Equation) |
EDP | Emotionally Disturbed Person (NYPD) |
EDP | Electronic Data Processor |
EDP | Event Driven Programming |
EDP | English Democrats Party (England) |
EDP | Engine Driven Pump (hydraulic, aerospace) |
EDP | Enterprise Development Program |
EDP | Employee Development Plan |
EDP | Electron Density Profile |
EDP | European Delivery Program |
EDP | Electronic Design Process |
EDP | Electronic Desktop Publishing |
EDP | Electronic Dream Plant (UK) |
EDP | External Diploma Program |
EDP | Economics Discussion Paper Series (UK) |
EDP | Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales (Spanish: Equation in Partial Derivatives) |
EDP | External Degree Program |
EDP | Employee Discount Program (various locations) |
EDP | Economic Development Partnership |
EDP | Échantillon Démographique Permanent (French: Permanent Demographic Sample) |
EDP | Educational Development Plan |
EDP | Export Development Project (various locations) |
EDP | Export Development Programme (various locations) |
EDP | Extended Day Program (education; various locations) |
EDP | Engineering Development Plan |
EDP | Electronic Document Professional (Xplor International) |
EDP | Enfants du Plessis (French children's sports association) |
EDP | Everyday Purchases (credit card rewards program) |
EDP | Equipment Distribution Program |
EDP | Enterprise Document Presentment |
EDP | Emergency Department Physician |
EDP | Environmental Differential Pay |
EDP | Engineering Design Plan |
EDP | Every Day Price |
EDP | Engineering Development Phase |
EDP | Embedded Development Platform (electronics) |
EDP | Exhibit Design and Production (tradeshows) |
EDP | Extended Degree Program (Washington State University) |
EDP | Extra Duty Pay (various governments) |
EDP | Emergency Depressurisation |
EDP | Electronic Dictionary Project |
EDP | English Democratic Party (UK) |
EDP | Event Design Plan |
EDP | Energy-Delay Product |
EDP | Educational Development Program |
EDP | Enseignant du Primaire (French: Primary Teacher) |
EDP | Eating Disorders Program |
EDP | Epsilon Delta Pi (honor society) |
EDP | Enhanced Dot Pitch |
EDP | Excess Demand Probability |
EDP | Economic Development Professional (Northeast Economic Developers Association) |
EDP | Expedite Departure Path |
EDP | Elite Development Program (athletics; various locations) |
EDP | Every Damn Penny |
EDP | Eco-Domestic Product |
EDP | Electro-Diesel Portal (French vehicle repair company) |
EDP | Engineering Demand Parameter |
EDP | Enchant Deadly Poison (Ragnarok online gaming) |
EDP | Exam Delivery Provider (Microsoft) |
EDP | École Départementale de Puériculture (French: Departmental Nursery School) |
EDP | Expérientiel et Développement Personnel (French: Experiential and Personal Development) |
EDP | Equivalent Duty Period (Selected Marine Corps Reserve) |
EDP | Emergency Defense Plan |
EDP | Ecclesiastical Deed Poll |
EDP | ELINT Data Processor |
EDP | Engineering Drawing Package |
EDP | Edema Disease Principle |
EDP | Early Departure Procedure (maritime) |
EDP | Embedded Data Processing/Processor |
EDP | Enterprise Development Process |
EDP | Epoxy Deck Paint |
EDP | Expedited Drug Program |
EDP | Ethylene-Diamene-Pyrocatechol (etchant solution) |
EDP | Expletive Deleted Podcast (Rockledge, FL) |
EDP | Escravos do Presidente (Portugal, band) |
EDP | Entreprise de Développement Paysagé (French: Landscaped Development Company) |
EDP | Electronic Detailed Package |
EDP | Erratic Dive Profile (SCUBA diving) |
EDP | Equipment Deadlined for Parts |
EDP | Error Detection Probability |
EDP | Entretien de Développement Professionnel et Formation (French: Maintenance of Professional Development and Training) |
EDP | Explosive Delivered Penetrator |
EDP | Emergency Dance Party (Internet slang) |
EDP | Electro Deposition Plating (coating) |