EDPElectronic Data Processing
EDPEau de Parfum
EDPEastern Daily Press (UK)
EDPEnergias de Portugal
EDPEmbedded Display Port (Video Electronics Standards Association)
EDPEuropean Democratic Party
EDPEconomic Development and Planning (various organizations)
EDPExcessive Deficit Procedure
EDPElectricidade de Portugal (Portugal)
EDPEngineering Design Process
EDPEngineering Development Program
EDPEnd Diastolic Pressure (cardiology)
EDPEntrepreneurship Development Programme (India)
EDPEconomic Development Policy
EDPEnterprise Data Protection
EDPÉquation aux Dérivées Partielles (French: Partial Differential Equation)
EDPEmotionally Disturbed Person (NYPD)
EDPElectronic Data Processor
EDPEvent Driven Programming
EDPEnglish Democrats Party (England)
EDPEngine Driven Pump (hydraulic, aerospace)
EDPEnterprise Development Program
EDPEmployee Development Plan
EDPElectron Density Profile
EDPEuropean Delivery Program
EDPElectronic Design Process
EDPElectronic Desktop Publishing
EDPElectronic Dream Plant (UK)
EDPExternal Diploma Program
EDPEconomics Discussion Paper Series (UK)
EDPEcuaciones en Derivadas Parciales (Spanish: Equation in Partial Derivatives)
EDPExternal Degree Program
EDPEmployee Discount Program (various locations)
EDPEconomic Development Partnership
EDPÉchantillon Démographique Permanent (French: Permanent Demographic Sample)
EDPEducational Development Plan
EDPExport Development Project (various locations)
EDPExport Development Programme (various locations)
EDPExtended Day Program (education; various locations)
EDPEngineering Development Plan
EDPElectronic Document Professional (Xplor International)
EDPEnfants du Plessis (French children's sports association)
EDPEveryday Purchases (credit card rewards program)
EDPEquipment Distribution Program
EDPEnterprise Document Presentment
EDPEmergency Department Physician
EDPEnvironmental Differential Pay
EDPEngineering Design Plan
EDPEvery Day Price
EDPEngineering Development Phase
EDPEmbedded Development Platform (electronics)
EDPExhibit Design and Production (tradeshows)
EDPExtended Degree Program (Washington State University)
EDPExtra Duty Pay (various governments)
EDPEmergency Depressurisation
EDPElectronic Dictionary Project
EDPEnglish Democratic Party (UK)
EDPEvent Design Plan
EDPEnergy-Delay Product
EDPEducational Development Program
EDPEnseignant du Primaire (French: Primary Teacher)
EDPEating Disorders Program
EDPEpsilon Delta Pi (honor society)
EDPEnhanced Dot Pitch
EDPExcess Demand Probability
EDPEconomic Development Professional (Northeast Economic Developers Association)
EDPExpedite Departure Path
EDPElite Development Program (athletics; various locations)
EDPEvery Damn Penny
EDPEco-Domestic Product
EDPElectro-Diesel Portal (French vehicle repair company)
EDPEngineering Demand Parameter
EDPEnchant Deadly Poison (Ragnarok online gaming)
EDPExam Delivery Provider (Microsoft)
EDPÉcole Départementale de Puériculture (French: Departmental Nursery School)
EDPExpérientiel et Développement Personnel (French: Experiential and Personal Development)
EDPEquivalent Duty Period (Selected Marine Corps Reserve)
EDPEmergency Defense Plan
EDPEcclesiastical Deed Poll
EDPELINT Data Processor
EDPEngineering Drawing Package
EDPEdema Disease Principle
EDPEarly Departure Procedure (maritime)
EDPEmbedded Data Processing/Processor
EDPEnterprise Development Process
EDPEpoxy Deck Paint
EDPExpedited Drug Program
EDPEthylene-Diamene-Pyrocatechol (etchant solution)
EDPExpletive Deleted Podcast (Rockledge, FL)
EDPEscravos do Presidente (Portugal, band)
EDPEntreprise de Développement Paysagé (French: Landscaped Development Company)
EDPElectronic Detailed Package
EDPErratic Dive Profile (SCUBA diving)
EDPEquipment Deadlined for Parts
EDPError Detection Probability
EDPEntretien de Développement Professionnel et Formation (French: Maintenance of Professional Development and Training)
EDPExplosive Delivered Penetrator
EDPEmergency Dance Party (Internet slang)
EDPElectro Deposition Plating (coating)