Acronym | Definition |
EDSC | Enquête Démographique et de Santé du Congo (French: Demographic and Health of Congo) |
EDSC | Erith and District Swimming Club (UK) |
EDSC | École Doctorale des Sciences Chimiques (French: Doctoral School of Chemical Sciences) |
EDSC | Epsom District Swimming Club (UK) |
EDSC | East Duplin Soccer Club (Beulaville, NC) |
EDSC | École Départementale de Spéléologie et de Canyonisme (French: Caving and Canyoning School Departmental) |
EDSC | Environmental Data Standards Council (US EPA Information Management Workgroup) |
EDSC | Elizabeth Downs Soccer Club (Australia) |
EDSC | Epidemiology Data Service Center |
EDSC | East Doncaster Secondary College (East Doncaster, VIC, Australia) |
EDSC | Economic Development Standing Committee (various locations) |
EDSC | Exotic-Diseases Sub-Committee of the Animal Health Committee |
EDSC | Extended Depth Salvage Capability |