(redirected from Free Trade Agreement)
FTAFree To Air (satellite broadcast)
FTAFree-to-air (free television)
FTAFederal Transit Administration (US government)
FTAFree-Trade Agreement
FTAFree Trade Area
FTAFortuna (Amtrak station code; Fortuna, CA)
FTAFree Throws Attempted (basketball)
FTAFailure to Acquire (biometrics)
FTAFreight Transport Association (UK)
FTAFault Tree Analysis
FTAFree to Advertise
FTAFestival Transamériques (Canadian festival)
FTAForeign Trade Act (various locations)
FTAFailure To Appear (in court)
FTAFrom the Article
FTAFeed the Addiction
FTAFirst Trust Advisors LP (Wheaton, IL)
FTAFree Trade Alliance (gaming)
FTAFederation of Tax Administrators (IRS)
FTAForum on Tax Administration (various organizations)
FTAFederal Transit Authority
FTAFlexographic Technical Association
FTAFan Tray Assembly
FTAFree Trade Agreement
FTAFree to Air
FTAFuture Teachers of America
FTAFlorida Trail Association (Gainesville, FL)
FTAFire Training Academy (various locations)
FTAForeign Trade Association
FTAFund Transfer Agreement (California)
FTAFine-Tuning Argument
FTAFederal Telecommunications Act of 1996
FTAForgive Them All
FTAFor the Alliance (World of Warcraft)
FTAFluides Techniques Applications (French: Fluids Technical Applications)
FTAFull Type Approval
FTAFault Tolerant Architecture (software)
FTAFree The Army
FTAFundamental Theorem of Algebra
FTAFrench Tax Authority
FTAFringe Theatre Adventures (Edmonton, Canada)
FTAFirst Time Applicant (various organizations)
FTAFace Threatening Act (politeness theory)
FTAFoundation for Traffic Safety (AAA)
FTAFirst Technical Advisor (various organizations)
FTAFor the Awesome
FTAFor the Art Clothing (Philadelphia, PA)
FTAFundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
FTAFlexible Packaging Association
FTAFlorida Trucking Association
FTAFun, Travel, and Adventure
FTAFile Transfer Appliance
FTAFair Trials Abroad (legal rights; various locations)
FTAFrancs Tireurs Artésiens (French archery organization)
FTAFailed to Arrive (shipping)
FTAFerrapie Transport Affrètement (French cleaning company)
FTAFair Trade Authority (online safety network)
FTAFailure Tree Analysis
FTAFirst Term Airmen
FTAFlowline Termination Assembly
FTAFree Tools Association
FTAFloptical Technology Association
FTAFailure to Adapt
FTAFondos de Titulización de Activos (Spanish)
FTAFluorescent Treponemal Antibodies
FTAFinancial Times Actuaries
FTAFraunhofer Technology Academy (Germany)
FTAFormation Technical Authority (Canada)
FTAField Terminal Assembly
FTAFloatation Tank Association (UK)
FTAFunctional Tolerancing and Annotation
FTAFinancial Training Associates
FTAFlight Test Associates Inc (Mojave, CA)
FTAFlorida Theatrical Association
FTAFederazione del Terziario Avanzato (Italy)
FTAFlight To America (military)
FTAFork Truck Association
FTAFraternity Trade Association
FTAFollow The Airborne
FTAFailure Trend Analysis
FTAFree The Animals
FTAFacility TEMPEST Assessment
FTAFluorescent Treponema Absorption (test for syphilis)
FTAFailure to Authenticate
FTAFlying Tippler Association of America
FTAFlorida Transportation Association, Inc.
FTAFilm and Television Archives (UCLA)
FTAFunctional Test Assembly
FTAForeign Telecommunication Administration
FTAFirearms Training Associates, Inc.
FTAFast Time Analyzer/Analysis
FTAFast-Twich A
FTAFree Thinkers of America
FTAField Technical Authority
FTAFinest Training Available (military)
FTAForis Tui Animus (Opening Your Soul; band)
FTAFractal Tree Antenna
FTAFuture Tailgaters of America (various user sites)
FTAFixed-Term Assignment
FTAFull Test Approval
References in periodicals archive
Yesterday (Monday 29 July) in her first official external meeting as International Trade Secretary, Liz Truss met with American Ambassador to the United Kingdom Woody Johnson at Winfield House to discuss fast-tracking a USA-UK free trade agreement.
The adviser said Free Trade Agreement was signed between Pakistan and China in 2007, however, he added, after China's FTA with Association of South East Asian (ASIAN) countries, Pak- China FTA needed to be reviewed to get same market access as ASIAN countries were getting.
LAHORE -- The second phase of Pakistan-China Free Trade Agreement will be signed in Beijing, during the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Imran Khan to China this month.
The Government is to review the progress in Free Trade Agreement (FTA) talks with China, India and Thailand.
Mirza Ikhtiar Baig, Senior Vice President, Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) to discuss bilateral trade, investment and potential of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Pakistan and Sri-Lanka
Replying to a question, he said that Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with different countries including Turkey, China and Thailand were under negotiation phase.
The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for a Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) free trade agreement is expected to begin next year, and Taiwan believes it can meet the standards and commitments of the deal.
To date, the Philippines as member of the Asean has signed Free Trade Agreements, i.e., Asean Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA), Asean-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA), Asean-Korea Free Trade Agreement (AKFTA), Asean-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA), Asean-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (AJCEPA), Asean-India Free Trade Agreement (AIFTA), and Asean-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement.
Indonesia has agreed to unilaterally grant market access to Pakistan on 20 priority tariff lines while new concessions under the China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement will provide a boost to Pakistani exports.
AUSTRALIAN prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has said his country wants to seal a free trade agreement with the UK "as soon as possible" after Britain's withdrawal from the European Union.
On 13 May 2017, Georgia and China signed the free trade agreement to expand bilateral trade, BeijingEe's first-ever free trade agreement in the Eurasian region;