Acronym | Definition |
EWS | Exchange Web Services (Microsoft) |
EWS | Enduro World Series (mountain biking) |
EWS | Early Warning System |
EWS | Ewing's Sarcoma |
EWS | Extended Warranty Service (product performance) |
EWS | Electronic Weather Station (various companies) |
EWS | Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick movie) |
EWS | Emerson Waldorf School (Chapel Hill, NC) |
EWS | Embedded Web Server (HP printers that have ethernet and server capability) |
EWS | Education Welfare Service (UK) |
EWS | Enterprise Wap Server |
EWS | Enterprise Web Services |
EWS | Excite for Web Servers |
EWS | Enterprise Wide Scheduling |
EWS | Electronic Watchdog System |
EWS | Edge Wireless System |
EWS | Embedded Web Server |
EWS | Executive Workstation |
EWS | European Warranty System |
EWS | Earth Wheel Sky (band) |
EWS | Employee Welfare Scheme (India) |
EWS | East Woods School (Long Island, NY) |
EWS | English, Welsh and Scottish (UK railway operator) |
EWS | E Web Solutions (various locations) |
EWS | Electronic Wood Systems (various locations) |
EWS | Economically Weaker Section |
EWS | Emergency Warning System |
EWS | Environmental Waste Solutions |
EWS | Engineering Work Station |
EWS | Employee Written Software (IBM) |
EWS | Expeditionary Warfare School (US Marine Corps) |
EWS | Environmental Water Systems (est. 1987) |
EWS | Electronic Warfare Squadron |
EWS | Electronic Warfare Support |
EWS | Emergency Water Supply |
EWS | Engineered Wood Systems (trade association) |
EWS | Early Warning Signal |
EWS | Ethel Walker School (Simsbury, CT) |
EWS | Emma Willard School (Troy, NY, founded in 1814) |
EWS | Electronic Warfare Suite |
EWS | Ethernet Wire Service |
EWS | Emery/Weiner School (Houston, TX) |
EWS | Extreme Wide Shot (video photography) |
EWS | Eye Wash Station |
EWS | Electrical Wafer Sorting (operation of electrically testing dice on a silicon wafer) |
EWS | Engineering Watch Supervisor |
EWS | Eudora Welty Society (writing; est. 1987) |
EWS | European Webservice |
EWS | Empty Wallet Syndrome |
EWS | Eastern Washington State |
EWS | Early Wet Season |
EWS | Enterprise Web Service |
EWS | Emerson, Wajdowicz Studios (design firm; New York, NY) |
EWS | Electronic Weighing Scale |
EWS | Ethanol Withdrawal Syndrome |
EWS | East Wiltshire School (Cornwall, Prince Edward Island, Canada) |
EWS | Ethernet Workgroup Switch |
EWS | Extended Workplace Solutions |
EWS | Executive World Services, Inc. (Braselton, GA) |
EWS | Executive Wine Seminars, Inc (New York, NY) |
EWS | Electronic Warfare Simulator |
EWS | Electronic Warfare Supervisor/System |
EWS | Enterprise Work Station |
EWS | Executive Work Station |
EWS | Engineering Worksheet |
EWS | Extended Workplace Service (Sprint) |
EWS | Egypt Web Solutions |