EWSExchange Web Services (Microsoft)
EWSEnduro World Series (mountain biking)
EWSEarly Warning System
EWSEwing's Sarcoma
EWSExtended Warranty Service (product performance)
EWSElectronic Weather Station (various companies)
EWSEyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick movie)
EWSEmerson Waldorf School (Chapel Hill, NC)
EWSEmbedded Web Server (HP printers that have ethernet and server capability)
EWSEducation Welfare Service (UK)
EWSEnterprise Wap Server
EWSEnterprise Web Services
EWSExcite for Web Servers
EWSEnterprise Wide Scheduling
EWSElectronic Watchdog System
EWSEdge Wireless System
EWSEmbedded Web Server
EWSExecutive Workstation
EWSEuropean Warranty System
EWSEarth Wheel Sky (band)
EWSEmployee Welfare Scheme (India)
EWSEast Woods School (Long Island, NY)
EWSEnglish, Welsh and Scottish (UK railway operator)
EWSE Web Solutions (various locations)
EWSElectronic Wood Systems (various locations)
EWSEconomically Weaker Section
EWSEmergency Warning System
EWSEnvironmental Waste Solutions
EWSEngineering Work Station
EWSEmployee Written Software (IBM)
EWSExpeditionary Warfare School (US Marine Corps)
EWSEnvironmental Water Systems (est. 1987)
EWSElectronic Warfare Squadron
EWSElectronic Warfare Support
EWSEmergency Water Supply
EWSEngineered Wood Systems (trade association)
EWSEarly Warning Signal
EWSEthel Walker School (Simsbury, CT)
EWSEmma Willard School (Troy, NY, founded in 1814)
EWSElectronic Warfare Suite
EWSEthernet Wire Service
EWSEmery/Weiner School (Houston, TX)
EWSExtreme Wide Shot (video photography)
EWSEye Wash Station
EWSElectrical Wafer Sorting (operation of electrically testing dice on a silicon wafer)
EWSEngineering Watch Supervisor
EWSEudora Welty Society (writing; est. 1987)
EWSEuropean Webservice
EWSEmpty Wallet Syndrome
EWSEastern Washington State
EWSEarly Wet Season
EWSEnterprise Web Service
EWSEmerson, Wajdowicz Studios (design firm; New York, NY)
EWSElectronic Weighing Scale
EWSEthanol Withdrawal Syndrome
EWSEast Wiltshire School (Cornwall, Prince Edward Island, Canada)
EWSEthernet Workgroup Switch
EWSExtended Workplace Solutions
EWSExecutive World Services, Inc. (Braselton, GA)
EWSExecutive Wine Seminars, Inc (New York, NY)
EWSElectronic Warfare Simulator
EWSElectronic Warfare Supervisor/System
EWSEnterprise Work Station
EWSExecutive Work Station
EWSEngineering Worksheet
EWSExtended Workplace Service (Sprint)
EWSEgypt Web Solutions