Acronym | Definition |
AIRC | Australian Industrial Relations Commission |
AIRC | Associazione Italiana Per La Ricerca Sul Cancro (Italian Cancer Research Association) |
AIRC | Advanced Irc |
AIRC | Academic and Industrial Research Consultancy |
AIRC | American International Recruitment Council |
AIRC | American Information Resource Center |
AIRC | Associate, Insurance Regulatory Compliance (LOMA insurance program) |
AIRC | Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (course) |
AIRC | Adorama Imaging Resource Center |
AIRC | As I Recall |
AIRC | Association of Independent Radio Contractors |
AIRC | Associação de Informática da Região Centro (Coimbra, Portugal) |
AIRC | Asian International Rivers Center (Yunnan University; Yunnan, China) |
AIRC | Astronomical Instruments Research Center |
AIRC | Animal Industries Research Committee |
AIRC | Association Internationale Rurale Catholique (French) |