Acronym | Definition |
FASP | Firewall and Advanced Security Protocol |
FASP | Fédération Autonome des Syndicats de Police (French: Autonomous Federation of Police Unions) |
FASP | Fiction à Substrat Professionnel (French: Fiction Substrate Professional) |
FASP | Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (National Health Service; UK) |
FASP | Federal Agency Security Practices (NIST) |
FASP | Florida Association of School Psychologists |
FASP | Florida Aviation System Plan |
FASP | Florida Association of Aging Services Providers |
FASP | Fleet Airships, Pacific (US Navy) |
FASP | Field Ammunition Supply Point |
FASP | Filter-Aided Sample Preparation (biochemistry) |
FASP | Fast and Secure Protocol (Aspera) |
FASP | Field Artillery Support Plan |
FASP | Flexible Automation in Ship Prefabrication |
FASP | Facility for Automated Software Production |
FASP | Flame-Assisted Spray Pyrolysis |
FASP | Functional Area Strategic Plan |
FASP | Foreign Area Specialist Program (USAF) |
FASP | French Angle Slotted Pipe |
FASP | Family Assistance/Support Program |