Acronym | Definition |
ERS | European Respiratory Society |
ERS | Economic Research Service (USDA) |
ERS | Erase |
ERS | Exclusive Right to Sell (real estate) |
ERS | Educational Research Service (various organizations) |
ERS | Earth Science |
ERS | European Remote Sensing (satellites; European Space Agency) |
ERS | Ethnic and Racial Studies (various schools) |
ERS | Enterprise Risk Services (Deloitte & Touche Auditing) |
ERS | Ethernet Routing Switch (various companies) |
ERS | Electronic Repair Service |
ERS | European Remote-sensing Satellite |
ERS | Employee Retirement System |
ERS | Exercise Referral Scheme (UK) |
ERS | Emergency Road Service |
ERS | Environmental and Resource Studies (Trent University; Canada) |
ERS | Electoral Reform Society (of Great Britain and Ireland) |
ERS | Edge Router Software |
ERS | Electronic Range System |
ERS | Exchange Requirements |
ERS | Erase Command |
ERS | Error Report Suppression |
ERS | Ethernet Routing Switch |
ERS | Error Reporting Service |
ERS | Earth Resources Satellite |
ERS | Emergency Response Service (IBM) |
ERS | Emergency Response System |
ERS | Établissement de Réinsertion Scolaire (French: Establishment of School Reintegration) |
ERS | Email Reputation Service (software) |
ERS | Event-Related Synchronization |
ERS | Emergency Recovery System (Backtec Software) |
ERS | Error Resolution System |
ERS | Energy Recovery System |
ERS | Evaluated Receipts Settlement |
ERS | Earth Remote-Sensing Satellite |
ERS | Effective Radiated Power |
ERS | Enterprise Resource System |
ERS | Extended Range Sound (car audio) |
ERS | Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlight (live stage lighting) |
ERS | Equipment Requirements System (software; US Air Force) |
ERS | ESA Remote Sensing Satellite |
ERS | Event Reporting Standard (semiconductors) |
ERS | Earth Retaining System (various locations) |
ERS | Engineering Release System |
ERS | Executive Reporting System (various organizations) |
ERS | Ethernet Relay Service |
ERS | Emergency Restoration Services (Sprint) |
ERS | Emergency Restoration System (Lindsey Manufacturing Company) |
ERS | Egyptian Rat Screw (card game) |
ERS | Édition, Routage, Stockage (French shipping) |
ERS | Environnement Risques Santé (French: Environmental Health Risks; journal) |
ERS | Emergency Response Specialist (Singapore Civil Defence Force) |
ERS | Emergency Relocation Site |
ERS | European Relay Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing People (Europe) |
ERS | Education Research Section (Princeton University) |
ERS | Errored Seconds (AT&T) |
ERS | External Reference Specification |
ERS | European Railway Server |
ERS | Windhoek, Namibia - Eros (Airport Code) |
ERS | Earth Recovery Subsystem (US NASA) |
ERS | Environmental Review Summary |
ERS | Error Report Suppression (Flag)(Catnip) |
ERS | Enterprise Routing Solution |
ERS | Entretien Rénovation Service (French: Renovation Maintenance Service) |
ERS | Extended Retail Solutions |
ERS | Environmental Reporting System (Defense Logistics Agency) |
ERS | Enterprise Resource Services, Inc. (Irvine, CA) |
ERS | En Route System |
ERS | Enterprise Requirements Suite (Telelogic) |
ERS | Ecological Recycling Society (Greece) |
ERS | Enamel-Renal Syndrome |
ERS | Enterprise Resource Sharing (Banyan) |
ERS | Environmental Reclamation Services, LLC |
ERS | Eel River Sawmills |
ERS | Engine Room Supervisor |
ERS | Eastern Radiological Society |
ERS | Extended Rehabilitation Services |
ERS | Environmental Remediation Specialists, Inc. (Tulsa, OK; est. 1990) |
ERS | Enqueue Replication Server (SAP) |
ERS | Economic Retention Stock |
ERS | Expanded Ring Search (computer networking) |
ERS | Electronic Repair Shelter (US DoD) |
ERS | Equipment Repositioning Surcharge (shipping containers) |
ERS | Electronic Receipt System |
ERS | Enterprise Requirements Specification |
ERS | European Space Agency Remote Satellite |
ERS | Equipment Record System |
ERS | Error Recovery Service |
ERS | Experimental Radar System |
ERS | Emergency Relocation Staff |
ERS | Effective Revenue Share |
ERS | Expeditionary Refueling System |
ERS | Extreme Response Spectrum (physics) |
ERS | Education Records System |
ERS | Electronic Requisition System |
ERS | Experimental Research Society |
ERS | European Relay Station |
ERS | Excess Reporting System |
ERS | European Research Fellowship |
ERS | Environmental Reference Service |
ERS | Exchange Rate Surcharge |
ERS | Elevated Radio System |
ERS | Enhanced Resource Subsystem (Cubix) |
ERS | ERIM (Erasmus Research Institute of Management) Report Series (Netherlands) |
ERS | Equilibrium Radiation Spectra |
ERS | Electronic Reconnaissance Set |
ERS | Expanded Radar Service |
ERS | Electronic Repair System |
ERS | Evaluation Record Sheet |
ERS | Event-Related Seizure |
ERS | Excuria Recovery Services, LLC (Levittown, NY) |